
A secure Nginx configuration example for HTTPS website, generated by https://nginxconfig.io/.

MIT LicenseMIT

A secure Nginx configuration example for HTTPS website, generated by https://nginxconfig.io/

The HTTPS certificate is provided by Let's Encrypt using certbot.

You may need to use sudo to run the following commands.

How to use

Update Nginx configurations

First, check your domain has been resolved correctly

dig subdomain.example.com

Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/mrchi/secure-nginx.git

Assuming you have backed up the files, then copy these configuration to /etc/nginx

cp -R secure-nginx/nginx/* /etc/nginx

Create your own site conf file from subdomain.example.com.conf example, you need to change "server_name" and specific proxy rules in HTTPS server part(usually listen port 443).

Comment entire HTTPS server part. Then make a soft link in sites-enabled directory and reload Nginx

nginx -t && systemctl reload nginx

Now you can try to access your site by HTTP. It will redirect to HTTPS but can't open any page, because we commented the HTTPS part.

Apply for HTTPS certificate

Create directory for certbot webroot validation

mkdir -p /var/www/_letsencrypt
chown www-data /var/www/_letsencrypt

Follow certbot instruction to install certbot on your system.

Now apply for HTTPS certificate

certbot certonly --webroot -d YOUR_DOMAIN --email YOUR_EMAIL -w /var/www/_letsencrypt -n --agree-tos --force-renewal

Uncomment HTTPS server part in site conf file, and reload Nginx

nginx -t && systemctl reload nginx

Now you can access your site by HTTPS, enjoy it!

One more step

Configure certbot to reload Nginx after success renew

echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nnginx -t && systemctl reload nginx' | tee /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/nginx-reload.sh
chmod a+x /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/nginx-reload.sh