
Website for programming club in ahmedabad university designed and developed during website making competition

Primary LanguageHTML


Programming Club

Mypclub is a Website for programming club in ahmedabad university designed and developed during website making competition. website is devloped fully responsive and dynamic to become userfriendly.


  1. Notificatrion : admin can add/delete notification which will be sent to all members and notification bar will be updated after every 10 secound.
  2. Events : Event section desplays all events and is devided into three parts i.e. upcoming, live, past.
  3. Resources : Resource section is to store all resource and one can search any resource using key words.
  4. User profile : user is able to add/update their profiles and can see their codechef and codeforces rating graph together in one page.
  5. Contest details : contest details section displays all upcoming contest from famouse site like codechef, codeforces, topcoder, atcode etc.
  6. Admin panal : admin can add notification, can see how many resources, users admins, events are ther and can add/update or delete normal user or can give aadmin rights.


  1. Django V3.0
  2. Python V3.8
  3. javascript
  4. Bootstrap V4.5
  5. PostgreSQl V12
  6. Particles.js V2.0
  7. Animate On Scroll Library(AOS) V2.3
  8. Chart.js V2.0
  9. CLIST-api Link
  10. Competitive_Programming_Score_API Link

How To Start

make sure that you hahe installd all above librareys and tools of given or abve version. To to download project run command

git clone  https://github.com/mrchocha/Mypclub.git
cd Mypclub

Now to run first goto Pc/settings.py file and change ENGINE,NAME,USER,PASSWORD,HOST and PORT (at line no.77) as your requirnments. Now run command and start project
for windows user

python manage.py runserver

for linux user

python3 manage.py runserver


please go here

Happy Coding !!!