
Get started with k3s, istio and openebs in 10 minutes (guaranteed)

Primary LanguageShell


Get started with Kubernetes, OpenEBS and Istio in 10 minutes (guaranteed)

Ensure that you have following requirements installed on your system:

  • curl (optional)
  • docker
  • docker-compose

Then run the script:


This will run k3s inside a single container and setup Istio, OpenEBS and Metrics Server. This will also install NGINX as an example/test.

Test that Kubernetes is working:

docker exec -i k3squickstart_server_1 kubectl get all -A

Test that Istio and OpenEBS are working:

curl https://nginx.test --connect-to nginx.test:443:localhost:443 -k

It should display a copy of the assets/index.html page. The file is copied on an OpenEBS volume, and NGINX is exposed through Istio Ingress Gateway.