
A VSCode snippet extension to wrap selected text into console.log().

Conslog - for a better console.log() experience

Conslog is a collection of VSCode snippets that add or remove console.logs to and from selected code.

The idea behind it was to make it easier to log the test cases that are sometimes provided with coding problems, eg. on Codewars or Leetcode, for example like this:

mySolution(testCase); // => true
mySolution("testCase"); // => "Casetest"

But while it had the learner in mind, it is useful for experienced developers, too.


Log selection

Prefix: cl

Keyboard shortcut: Alt-Shift-C

GIF animation showing Conslog at work

It wraps the selection in console.logs. But only the part of the selection until the first semicolon is getting wrapped, the rest remains as is.

If multiple lines are selected, each line is treated like an individual selection, adding multiple console.logs.

Skips empty lines and comment lines.


If the selection includes semicolons, use "Log lines to last semicolon" instead.

mySolution("My favourite symbol is the ;");

If the code doesn't end in a semicolon but in a closing bracket AND is followed by a comment on the same line, use use "Log lines to last closing bracket".

mySolution(testCase) // What? No semicolon?

Log lines to last semicolon

Prefix: lls

Keyboard shortcut: Alt-Shift-,

Like "Log selection" but wraps until the last semicolon instead.

Log lines to last closing bracket

Prefix: llb

Keyboard shortcut: Alt-Shift-B

Like "Log selection" but wraps until the last closing bracket instead.

Undo logs

GIF animation showing Conslog at work

Prefix: ucl

Keyboard shortcut: Alt-Shift-U

Removes console.log from selected lines, unwrapping the argument. Reverts the effect of "Log selection" or "Log lines ...".

Log variable

GIF animation showing Conslog at work

Prefix: clv

Keyboard shortcut: Alt-Shift-L

If you are a fan of console.log debugging, this feature is for you. Enter the variable name, and then TAB to the end of the line. The variable name and value will be logged in a nicely formatted way.

Delete console logs

GIF animation showing Conslog at work

Prefix: dcl

Keyboard shortcut: Alt-Shift-D

If it turns out that you really like console.log debugging, chances are that your code has plenty of lines temporarily logging variables. Get rid of them in one go with this snippet.

It deletes every line that starts with console.log from the selection, so be careful. Note: This is not the reverse of "Log selection".

Wrap single console.log() around selection

Prefix: wsc

Keyboard shortcut: Alt-Shift-W

Wraps a single console.log() around the selection, even if that selection spans multiple lines. Comments, brackets and semicolons get wrapped regardless.

Known Issues

"Log lines to last semicolon" does not work if the code is followed by a comment on the same line that includes a semicolon:

mySolution("My favourite symbol is the ;"); // Comment with ; semicolon

"Log lines to last closing bracket" does not work if the code is followed by a comment on the same line that includes a closing bracket:

mySolution(testCase) // Comment with ) closing bracket