Since I no longer use Matlab, I cannot actively maintain this repo. I will gladly accept PRs, as long as I can review them without Matlab.
Cell-resolved OOP LiFe-battery model for Matlab
To install, add the folder containing this package and it's subfolders to Matlab's search path. For a detailed documentation, type
into Matlab's command window. Or navigate to "lfpBattery_root_path\Documentation\lfpBattery_Documentation.pdf"
To use the classes in this package, it must first be imported with the line
import lfpBattery.*
Authors: B.Sc. Marc Jakobi, B.Sc. Festus Anyangbe, B.Sc. Marc Schmidt - HTW Berlin
Supervision: M.Sc. Steven Neupert - TU Berlin
TU Berlin - "Elektrische Energiespeichertechnik" EET - "Projekt Batterien"
March 2017