YelpCamp is a web application with RESTful Routing and NoSql MongoDB database that allows you to sign up and create a campground posts. It basicly allows you to share posts that includes campgrounds name, picture, comment and the price of one night. Or to see others post.
- User login with username and password
One cannot manage posts without being authenticated
One cannot edit or delete posts and comments created by other users
Manage campground posts with basic functionalities
Create, edit and delete posts and comments
Upload campground photos
Search existing campgrounds
Flash messages responding to users' interaction with the app
Responsive web design
This app contains API secrets and passwords that have been hidden deliberately, so the app cannot be run with its features on your local machine. However, feel free to clone this repository if necessary.
git clone
npm install
Make sure you have Node.js and MongoDB and all other dependencies installed.
$ git clone
$ cd yelp-camp
$ npm install
$ node app.js
Your app should now be running on localhost:5000.
Make sure you have Heroku CLI installed.
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open
- Bootstrap
- Express
- Body-parser
- Connect-flash
- Express-session
- Method-override
- Mongoose
- MongoDB
- Nodemon
- Passport.js
- Passport-local
- Passport-local-mongoose