
A JSON API client for ngrx

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A JSON API client library for ngrx.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

1- Install the library:

npm i ngrx-json-api --save

2- Define the resources:

import { ResourceDefinition } from 'ngrx-json-api';
let resourceDefinitions: Array<ResourceDefinition> = [
    { type: 'Article', collectionPath: 'articles' }
    { type: 'Person', collectionPath: 'people' }
    { type: 'Comment', collectionPath: 'comments' }
    { type: 'Blog', collectionPath: 'blogs' }

Note that if the type of a resource matches its collectionPath in the URL, then no resource definition is necessary.

3- Import NgrxJsonApiModule providing the above definitions, the API url and the JSON API state location as configuration.

Also use NgrxJsonApiStoreReducer as a reducer for the JSON API state.

    imports: [
      /* other imports */
        apiUrl: 'http://localhost.com',
        resourceDefinitions: resourceDefinitions,
        storeLocation: 'api'
      StoreModule.provide({ counter: counterReducer,  api: NgrxJsonApiStoreReducer})
    declarations: [AppComponent]
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

4- Inject NgrxJsonApiService into the component:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'my-component',
export class MyComponent {
  constructor(private ngrxJsonApiService: NgrxJsonApiService) {}

5- Use the service to interact with the JSON API server and/or state:

For example, to read data from the server and display this data in the view:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'my-component',
  template: {{ resourcesQuery.results | async }}
export class MyComponent {
  constructor(private ngrxJsonApiService: NgrxJsonApiService) {  }

  public resourcesQuery = this.ngrxJsonApiService
      queryType: 'getMany',
      type: 'Article'

Store Structure

The contents of ngrx-jsonapi in a store can, for example, look as follows:

    isCreating: 0,
    isReading: 0,
    isUpdating: 0,
    isDeleting: 0,
    isApplying: 0,
    data: {
      movie: {
        'b61b2f41-46d8-3899-88e1-fcd45138fb0d': {
          id: 'b61b2f41-46d8-3899-88e1-fcd45138fb0d',
          type: 'movie',
          attributes: {
            year: '2015',
            title: 'Captain America: Civil War',
            type: 'MOVIE'
          relationships: {
            actors: {
              links: {
                self: '...',
                related: '...'
          persistedResource: {
            id: 'b61b2f41-46d8-3899-88e1-fcd45138fb0d',
            type: 'movie',
            attributes: {
              year: '2015',
	            title: 'Captain America: Civil War',
              type: 'MOVIE',
            relationships: {
              actors: {
                links: {
                  self: '...',
                  related: '...'
          state: 'IN_SYNC',
          errors: [],
          loading: false
    queries: {
      movieQuery: {
        loading: false,
        query: {
          queryId: 'movieTable',
          type: 'movie',
          params: {
            offset: 0,
            limit: 10
        errors: [],
        resultIds: [
            type: 'movie',
            id: 'b61b2f41-46d8-3899-88e1-fcd45138fb0d'
        meta: {
        links: {

There are two main types of contents: data and queries. data stores the resources indexed by type and id and queries stores the state of GET requests. To perform a GET request a new query with a given name is put into the store. ngrx-json-api sets the loading indicator to true and begins fetching the resources from the remote repository. Once the results are available, all the resources from the data and include section are stored within the data section of the store. The ids of the data resources, the links information and meta information are stored within the corresponding query of the store. Note that the query does not hold a direct reference to its result resources to adhere to the normalization principle of reduce. In case of JSON API errors the errors array within the query is updated accordingly. In case of a HTTP error the errors array is updated as well with the error code and message.

Resources within the data section can be created, updated and marked for deletion. Such modifications are performed locally. Directly after the modification or at any later stage the changes can be applied back to the remote server. For that purpose resources in the store carry a number of additional status information: errors, state, loading and persistedResource. errors is used if a DELETE, PATCH or POST of that resource fails. state has one of the following states: IN_SYNC, CREATED, UPDATED, DELETED or NOT_LOADED depending on the state of the modifications. Note that a resource cannot directly be deleted, but is rather marked with the state DELETED until the actual deletion on the server-side succeeds. persistedResource holds the state of a resource as it is currently stored on the server. If a resource is in state IN_SYNC, then it will hold the same values as in the resource itself. If modifications are performed locally, then the values will be different until the changes have been successfully applied on the server-side. In that case ngrx-json-api will update persistedResource.


The following actions are supported:

Action Type Description
API_CREATE_INIT Issues a POST request for a resource.
API_CREATE_SUCCESS Upon success completion of a POST request.
API_CREATE_FAIL Upon a failure of a POST request.
API_READ_INIT Issues a GET request for a resource.
API_READ_SUCCESS Upon success completion of a GET request.
API_READ_FAIL Upon a failure of a GET request.
API_UPDATE_INIT Issues a PATCH request for a resource.
API_UPDATE_SUCCESS Upon success completion of a PATCH request.
API_UPDATE_FAIL Upon a failure of a PATCH request.
API_DELETE_INIT Issues a DELETE request for a resource.
API_DELETE_SUCCESS Upon success completion of a DELETE request.
API_DELETE_FAIL Upon a failure of a DELETE request.
API_APPLY_INIT Initiates the appropriate API_X_INIT action for all pending local modifications.
API_APPLY_SUCCESS Upon success completion of all requested modifications.
API_APPLY_FAIL Upon failure a at least one requested modification.
API_ROLLBACK: Reverts all local changes to resources in the store.
API_QUERY_REFRESH Updates the result of a query by initiating a API_READ_INIT.
LOCAL_QUERY_INIT Sets up a query that is run locally based on the contents of the store.
LOCAL_QUERY_SUCCESS Triggered when a local query was successfully updated in the store.
LOCAL_QUERY_FAIL Triggered when a local query failed.
DELETE_STORE_RESOURCE Marks a resource in the store for deletion. Does not trigger an update to the server.
PATCH_STORE_RESOURCE Patches a resource in the store by merging the provided values with the ones from the store. Does not trigger an update to the server.
POST_STORE_RESOURCE Adds a new resource to the store. Does not trigger an update to the server.
MODIFY_STORE_RESOURCE_ERRORS Modifies the errors of a resource in the store. Use for client side validation.
REMOVE_QUERY Removes a query from the store.
COMPACT_STORE Removes all resources from the store that are not directly or indirectly (relationships) references from a query
CLEAR_STORE Removes all the contents from the store

For more information have a look at the sources. The subsequent sections will show the usage of NgrxJsonApiService that allows to trigger such actions and perform a number of different selections. You make use of the actions directly when working with effects. For each action type there is a corresponding Typescript interface.

Basic Usage

Fetching data

The NgrxJsonApiService instance methods findOne and findMany are the ones used for fetching data either from the server or from the state (offline fetching). Both return a handler with a results property that contains an Observable of the results. To use both methods, a ResourceQuery must be given as an input in addition to an optional boolean for server side or client side fetching. Default is server side fetching.

The ResourceQuery must have at least a type. The optional queryId propertly lets you specify an id for the query, used to address it within the store. If no queryId is provided, a random one is chosen. The optional id property is used to specify the id of a resource, if a single resource should be fetched. The optional params property is used for for sorting, filtering, paging, field sets and inclusions.

Let's jump to examples:

1- Fetching a single resource:

/* let's find a single resource of type `Article` and id `1` */
let query = {
  type: 'Article',
  id: '1',
  queryId: '0' // any string is fine, it will be made optional
// to fetch this 'article' from the server:
let queryResults = this.ngrxService.findOne(query)
// this is equivalent: this.ngrxService.findOne(query, true)

To subscribe and obtain the results, we can manually subscribe or use the Async pipe if we're using this in the view.

let results;
this.queryResults.results.subscribe(it => results = it);

What if we somehow already have this resource in the state and we want to obtain this article from that state rather than sending a request to the server. Well, we only need to change one thing:

let queryResults = this.ngrxService.findOne(query, false)
// false means don't get this resource from the server.

That was simple! One thing to note before moving to the next example; findOne will raise an error if more than one resource was returned whether from the server or from the state.

2- Fetching multiple resources

/* let's find all resources of type `Article` */
let query = {
  type: 'Article',
  queryId: '0' // any string is fine, it will be made optional
// to fetch all articles from the server:
let queryResults = this.ngrxService.findMany(query)
// to do the same thing without sending requests to the server:
let queryResults = this.ngrxService.findMany(query, false)

We just replaced findOne by findMany. Removing id from the query was unnecessary because findMany will just ignore it. Subscribing to the observable and getting the results work exactly like example 1. This time however, the results are an array rather than a single plain object.

What is the structure of the fetched resource?

By default, it will be a ResourceStore, see the interfaces file for a detailed definition. In short a ResourceStore has a bunch of properties with the famously known JSON API Resource (with its type, id, attributes and relationships) placed in a resource property.

For example, to obtain the title of the article with id 1 fetched in example 1, we use:

let title = results.resource.attributes.title

We can obtain the resource immediately, which will allow us to use results.attributes.title, but this is left for later parts of the documentation.


findOne and findMany take an optional denormalise argument. In that case relationships to other resources get resolved during the selection. It is then possible to follow relationships as follows:

let title = results.resource.relationships.person.reference.attributes.name

Notice the reference instead of data attribute to follow the denormalized relationship instead of just accessing the identifier of the related resource.

Lifecycle of a Query

findOne and findMany perform three tasks at once:

  1. setup a new query.
  2. select the state of that query.
  3. remove the query again from the store when a subscription ends.

It is also possible to perform those three tasks separately with the putQuery, selectManyResults resp. selectOneResult and removeQuery. If you desire to keep queries longer in the store, for example, to allow to quickly return to a previous page, then you likely will have to fallback to this methods.

House Keeping

When GET are executed, the store gets filled up with fetched resources. The clear and compact methods allow to either entirely clear the store resp. remove all resources not referenced directly or indirectly (relationships) by a query.

Posting data

postResource allows to add a new resource to the store. The optional toRemote parameter lets you directly POST that resource to the server as well.

Patching data

patchResource allows to patch a resource to the store. The passed attribute and relationship values will be merged into the current resource. Attributes and relationships not contained within the patch remain unaffected. The optional toRemote parameter lets you directly PATCH that resource to the server as well.

Deleting data

deleteResource allows to mark a new resource for deletion in the store. The optional toRemote parameter lets you directly DELETE that resource on the server as well. Once the DELETE request succeeds, it will be removed from the store.

Bulk updates

apply performs an update on the server for all local, unsaved modifications (where the state is not 'IN_SYNC'). Currently multiple requests are created. There is not yet any bulk request for JSON API. In the future apply will further allow more fine-grained control of what can be updated.

Updating error states

addResourceErrors, removeResourceErrors and setResourceErrors allow to update the errors of a resource. This is useful when client-side validation must be applied.


This library wouldn't exist without all the ngrx libraries along with the docs and tools provided with each. Thanks to Ngrx/Store,Effects. Also, the basis of this library is redux-json-api and devour so a huge thanks to the developers of both these JSON API client libs.