
Generate Typescript enums from the openapi schema

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

gEnum OpenAPI

ci npm npm

Tech used


genum-openapi is a simple Node.js CLI tool for creating TypeScript enums from OpenAPI document. This package is inspired by another tool named openapi-typescript. Toghether with mentioned package, developers should be able to generate TypeScript interfaces (using openapi-typescript) and enums (using genum-openapi) within their projects with the same YAML file as an input.


  • Supports OpenAPI 3.x
  • Generate TypeScript enums
  • Load schemas from local YAML or JSON file
  • Native Node.js code used to write this tool


Generate local file with Typescript enums by running npx genum-openapi:

npx genum-openapi ./path/to/the/schema.yaml -o ./path/to/generated/enums.ts

⚠️ Make sure that all your schemas are validated before using them with this tool.

Then you can import the enums from the generated file:

import { StatusEnum } from "./path/to/generated/enums";

export const App = () => {
  if (status === StatusEnum.SUCCESS) {
    console.log("Enum successfully generated and used");
  } else {
    console.log("Enum failed to generate");

⚙️ Options

Following flags are available for the CLI tool.

Option Alias Default Description
--help -h Display help for the command
--version -v Output the current version
--output -o (stdout) Path of the output file
--exclude -e Names of enums from the OpenAPI document to exclude
--prefix -p Add a prefix to the beginning of the enum name
--suffix -s Enum Add a suffix to the end of the enum name if it does not already exist
--prenum _ Add a specified prefix before the enum exported name that starts with a number (underscore by default if not provided)
--normalize -n false Normalize exported enum names and keys that are not valid (replace . with __ and - or / with _)
--normalize-keys false Normalize only enum keys that are not valid
--normalize-names false Normalize only exported enum names that are not valid
--uppercase -u false Convert exported enum names and keys to uppercase (commonly used with the --normalize option)
--uppercase-keys false Convert only enum keys to uppercase
--uppercase-names false Convert only exported enum names to uppercase
--custom-replacers Custom replacers applied during the normalization process, in JSON format, e.g., '[{"regExp":"[-/]","replaceWith":"_"}]'

📖 Examples

Let's say that our OpenAPI document looks like this:

openapi: 3.0.3
  title: Example OpenApi description
  version: 0.0.0
        - ACTIVE
        - INACTIVE
      type: string
        - GREEN
        - RED
      type: string
        - SOME/WEIRD-Strings
        - another.weird.string
        - just(another)weird string
      type: string
        - 250x330
        - 70x40
        - OTHER
      type: string
  1. By providing [--exclude Status InvalidCase StartWithNumber WithCurlyBrackets] option, generated file should contain only ColorsEnum:
export enum ColorsEnum {
  RED = "RED",
  1. [--prefix I] option should add provided string at the beggining of the enums names:
export enum IStatus {

export enum IColorsEnum {

export enum IInvalidCase {

export enum IStartWithNumber {

export enum IWithCurlyBrackets {
  1. [--suffix] option should add provided string at the end of the enums names (when not provided Enum is used by default):
export enum StatusEnum {

export enum ColorsEnum {

export enum InvalidCaseEnum {

export enum StartWithNumberEnum {

export enum WithCurlyBracketsEnum {
  1. With [--normalize] and [--uppercase] options, generated file should contain parsed values of enum keys:
export enum INVALIDCASE {
  ANOTHER__WEIRD__STRING = "another.weird.string"
  JUST_ANOTHER_WEIRD_STRING = "just(another)weird string"
  1. With [--prenum $] option, keys of enums should be prefixed with a $ sign (by default enum keys that starts with a number are prefixed with an underscore):
export enum StartWithNumber {
  $250x330 = "250x330",
  $70x40 = "70x40",
  1. You can pass custom replacers to the cli with [--custom-replacers '[{ "regExp":"[{}]", "replaceWith": "empty" }]'] to replace any strings as you like. Keep in mind that in the provided example we want to replace {} with "", but due to JSON.parse used as the parsing method, we cannot simply pass "" as a replaceWith property, instead we pass "empty" to handle replacing {} with "".
export enum WithCurlyBrackets {

📣 Goals

  1. Fetching schema from remote resource (with Auth header if needed)
  2. Parsing multiple schemas at once (with globbing)

💑 Contributing

PRs are welcome!