
Cisco NXOS Ansible playbook and Vagrantfile

Primary LanguageJinja


On this page:

group_vars/ - NXOS Ansible variable

host_vars/ - Host specific variables (ip addresses etc)

j2/ - Jinja2 template for configuring switchports

Vagrantfile - Instructions for Virtualbox to set up four NXOSv VMs

ansible.cfg - Ansible settings

inventory.yaml - List of all four VMs with some host specific variables

main.yaml - For future use (advanced config using roles)

provisioner.yaml - Ansible playbook adding basic configuration to the VMs (ip addresses, hostnames, lldp and macs)

Use Case Description

Create and provision a 'Bow-Tie' network using Vagrant, Ansible and Cisco NXOSv images

How to test the software

git clone https://github.com/mrdavehill/Ansible--Cisco-NXOS.git

Download nxosv.9.2.3 image from Cisco.com

Install Virtualbox

Install and configure Vagrant

Install Ansible (min 2.9)

From the command line type:

$ vagrant up; vagrant up; vagrant up; vagrant up

$ vagrant provision

Getting help

Hit me up if you have any issues.


This project was written and is maintained by the following Daves: