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A basic SDK for interacting with Euler smart contracts. Currently this is an alpha software, under intensive development.


npm i @eulerxyz/euler-sdk

Euler class

The package provides a single named export - the Euler class

import { Euler } from "@eulerxyz/euler-sdk"

The constructor takes a single required arguement - signerOrProvider, similar to ethers. The second argument is the chainId. Currently the SDK contains built in configurations for mainnet (chainId = 1), which is also default, and ropsten (chainId = 3) deployments.

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("<JSON_RPC_URL>")
const signer = new ethers.Wallet("<PRV_KEY>", provider)

const e = new Euler(signer);

Interacting with the smart contracts

Main modules

By default, the SDK provides instances of the ethers.Contract of the main Euler modules: Euler, Exec, Liquidation, Markets and Swap.

// activate a new market
await e.contracts.markets.activateMarket(tokenAddress)

// check to see if liquidation would be profitable
const liquidationOpportunity = await e.contracts.liquidation.callStatic.checkLiquidation(liquidator, violator, underlying, collateral)


In addition to the main modules, the SDK contains configuration for the mining contracts EulStakes and EulDistributor as well as peripheries FlashLoan and EulerGeneralView. They need to be explicitly initiated:


Eul token

Euler's native governance token Eul is also available:

const balance = await e.contracts.eul.balanceOf(myAccount)

Additionally, the token configuration like decimals, logo, permit data are provided in eulTokenConfig property:

const { logo, extensions: { permit: { domain } } } = e.eulerTokenConfig

eTokens, dTokens, pTokens

Contracts that exist for every activated market can be instantiated and accessed by helper methods eToken(address), dToken(address), pToken(address)

const eUsdcAddress = await e.contracts.markets.underlyingToEToken(USDC_ADDRESS)
await e.eToken(eUsdcAddress).deposit(0, 1000000000)

In addition to that there is also erc20(address) for constructing standard ERC20 contract instances

const daiBalance = await e.erc20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(myAccount)

Adding external contracts

The SDK can attach any external contract with the addContract method. In this case, both abi and the contract address need to be provided.

e.addContract("weth", WETH_ABI, WETH_ADDRESS)

await e.contracts.weth.deposit({ value: ONE_ETH })

Batch transactions

Euler platform supports batching user operations into a single gas efficient transaction. SDK provides helper methods buildBatch and decodeBatch to make use of this feature. buildBatch creates encoded payload to the Exec contract's batchDispatch. All public functions of Euler modules are available. The function expects an array of operations:

const batchItems = [
    contract: "eToken",
    address: "0x123..",
    method: "deposit",
    args: [0, 1000000]
    contract: "markets",
    method: "enterMarket",
    args: [0, "0xabc.."]

Note that for singleton contracts, the address can be omitted. The contract property can also be a contract instance, in which case the address can also be skipped.

    contract: e.eToken("0x123.."),
    method: "deposit",
    args: [0, 1000000]
  /* ... */

The encoded payload can be used to execute the batchDispatch transaction. If batchDispatch is static called, the SDK decodeBatch can be used to decode return values from each function called.

const rawResults = await e.contracts.exec.callStatic.batchDispatch(e.buildBatch(batchItems), [])
const [ result1, result2 ] = e.decodeBatch(batchItems, rawResults)

Signing and using permits

To use EIP2612 permits on Euler, SDK provides signPermit and signPermitBatchItem functions. They both expect a token object with permit extension in euler-tokenlist format. signPermit is a low level function, while signPermitBatchItem should be used when creating calls to batchDispatch.

const batch = [
  await e.signPermitBatchItem(token),
    contract: e.eToken(token.address),
    method: "deposit",
    args: [0, 10000000]

Signers and providers

To switch a signer or provider, call the connect(signerOrProvider) method. All contract instances will automatically switch to the new value. To access currently connected signer or provider, use getSigner() and getProvider() methods.


/* ... */

const currentSigner = e.getSigner()