Dependabot Testing

This repo contains two directories: staging and production. Both of them contain the same skeleton file, which includes a single module. That module is out of date, so we expect dependabot to PR an update for us.

We can check this behaviour using the dependabot CLI:

$ dependabot update terraform this-string-des-not-matter --local . --directory staging


updater | 2024/07/23 11:18:09 INFO Finished job processing
updater | 2024/07/23 11:18:09 INFO Results:
updater | +---------------------------------------------------+
updater | |        Changes to Dependabot Pull Requests        |
updater | +---------+-----------------------------------------+
updater | | created | pagerduty/pagerduty ( from  to 3.15.0 ) |
updater | +---------+-----------------------------------------+
  proxy | 2024/07/23 11:18:10 Skipping sending metrics because api endpoint is empty
  proxy | 2024/07/23 11:18:10 5/14 calls cached (35%)


$ dependabot update terraform this-string-des-not-matter --local . --directory production


updater | 2024/07/23 11:21:31 INFO Finished job processing
updater | 2024/07/23 11:21:31 INFO Results:
updater | +---------------------------------------------------+
updater | |        Changes to Dependabot Pull Requests        |
updater | +---------+-----------------------------------------+
updater | | created | pagerduty/pagerduty ( from  to 3.15.0 ) |
updater | +---------+-----------------------------------------+
  proxy | 2024/07/23 11:21:32 Skipping sending metrics because api endpoint is empty
  proxy | 2024/07/23 11:21:32 5/14 calls cached (35%)