
Cornor RGB lamp deviced based on NUCLEO board and Zephyr

Primary LanguageC++

RGB cornor lamp

RGB LEDs control

RGBs is controlled by SPI1 (MOSI line only) configured to 2.5 MHz frequency. So, according to WS2812B protocol:

  • 0b1000 — zero bit;
  • 0b1100 — one bit.

Button (B1 USER) is using for a switching the lamp blinking mode.

Board connections list

  • LED = D13 = PA5 — LED indicator.
  • MOSI = D11 = PA7 — RGB LEDs control.
  • Button = PC13 — modes control button.


Start OpenOCD with:

openocd  -f "board/st_nucleo_l4.cfg" -c "telnet_port 5555" -c "tpiu config internal - uart off 80000000" -c "itm ports on"

Connect to debuger by launching "Docker Host (OpenOCD) launch" debug configuration in VS Code.