
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Versions Summary:

dependency version
node 14.2.0
sentry-cli 1.53.0
macOS Catalina 10.15.3
docker 19.03.8


Show how Sentry works

  • Import/Integrate
  • Configuration
  • Releases/SourceMaps/Commits
  • Session + Transcation Tracing (correlate errors across FE, BE, etc.)

First-time Setup

  1. Use the nvmrc file to set a compatible node version.
nvm use
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Configure Sentry with your PUBLIC_DSN_KEY in index.html
  2. Remember to include your SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN; you'll need to generate one first from your Sentry server. After doing so, a cheap and easy way to use the token would be this: export SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN=1010101011010101
  3. Make sure that your Github repo is integrated into your Sentry organization.
  4. Enter your Sentry organization slug in the SENTRY_ORG line of your Makefile, then add the name of SENTRY_PROJECT


$ npm run deploy
  1. Go to http://localhost:5000 in your browser and begin throwing errors/events to Sentry!

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  1. You can run this demo in 2 ways. 1st is to generative a standalone error in Javascript by clicking Checkout. 2nd is to generate errors in both Javascript and Python (Flask) https://github.com/sentry-demos/flask by clicking Checkout.

The difference is controlled by the REACT_APP_WORKFLOW variable in .env. This request can be made to any of the back-end /sentry-demos.

REACT_APP_WORKFLOW=false calls https://neilmanvar-flask-m3uuizd7iq-uc.a.run.app/checkout, see components/app.js as to why this is happening.

REACT_APP_WORKFLOW=true causes it to error on this.codeNotPerfect and does not call back-end


Gotcha1 if you're trying to call Flask running locally on your computer, then go into components/app.js and manually edit the IS_WORKFLOW_DEMO variable because it defaults to the gcp url every time.

Gotcha2 comments are not supported in .env
REACT_APP_WORKFLOW=false # To enable checkout flow is evaluated as false # To enable checkout flow not false

Gotcha3 you need to rename your .env's REACT_APP_WORKFLOW to REACT_APP_IS_WORKFLOW_DEMO which is what app.js says.

Gotcha4 the command is make deploy_gcp not make deploy_to_gcp like the README says.

Gotcha5 - REACT_APP_BACKEND value needs to have https://******-flask-errors-********run.app nd not https://******-flask-********run.app in it, because in sentry-demos/flask/Makefile it's defined as flask-errors

Run With Docker

$ docker-compose up
  1. Go to http://localhost:3005 in your browser and begin throwing errors/events to Sentry!


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Deploy to Google Cloud Run:

$ make deploy_to_gcp

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah