
Statistics module of the lifescope project.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Stats module for the lifescope-project. This project provides a REST API allowing for external queries to the elasticsearch.


You need Leiningen to run, build and test this project.

Create a configuration file

Before running this project, you need to create your own configuration file. There's an example configuration file named config.clj.example. Just copy it to the file config.clj and define the configuration properties of your environment.

Build it

Build the project with the following command:

lein uberjar

It will generate a .jar file into the subdirectory ./target/uberjar/.


You need a working instance of elasticsearch for the REST API to work. In order to configure the required mappings, you need to run the ´./setup-elasticsearch.sh´ script on the root directory of this repository. Make sure to edit it in case you need specific changes on your environment (URL of the elasticsearch and authentication).

Run it

Run the standalone jar file:

java -jar lifescope-stats-0.1.0-standalone.jar

Alternatively, you can directly run the project using leiningen with the following command:

lein run

Start the web server

Type this command on the shell: lein ring server-headless.

Quality indicators

  • lein eastwood run the linter
  • lein cloverage analyze the test coverage
  • lein ancient search for outdated dependencies
  • lein kibit analyze the code and suggest more idiomatic variants
  • lein bikeshed analyze the formatting of the source files
  • lein omni run all the quality analyzers (eastwood, cloverage, ancient, kibit and bikeshed).
  • lein cljfmt check check the code formatting.
  • lein cljfmt fix auto-fix the code formatting.


Copyright © 2017

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0.