
WebGL problems in Chrome 28

Kostadin opened this issue · 3 comments

Ever since Chrome updated to version 28 (Win 7 64bit) there has been inconsistent WebGL crashes in the GLSL sandbox. Try opening
several times with Chrome 28 on Windows. If it doesn't crash immediately, try Ctrl+F5.

On my own clone of the GLSL editor I get "WebGL: CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL: loseContext: context lost" warning in the console but I don't see that message when the editor on suddenly says "WebGL is not supported".

Update: I started getting "WebGL: CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL: loseContext: context lost" on

Yes, I've heard WebGL became a bit unstable in Chrome 28/Windows. The browser devs are aware of it. I hope things improve in Chome 29.

This was Chromium issue 259994 and is fixed now in Chrome stable 28.0.1500.95. This issue can be closed.