- 3
TSL: Missing a uvNode to rewrite the UV's
#30160 opened by Samsy - 1
There is no traverse method in the latest TransformControls
#30154 opened by lwaier - 2
Use JSdoc types for code linting
#30158 opened by s-rigaud - 0
Honor camera layers on for selective shadow
#30156 opened by Samsy - 2
General questions
#30149 opened by AzazelHD - 3
TransformControls dispose() crashes when domElement is not passed in constructor
#30096 opened by nidal-rr - 2
Basic TSL Examples / snippets focusing on Individual Features
#30134 opened by Samsy - 2
Select if a directional light should contribute to the lighting color contribution, or to a shadow map only ( real time shadowing )
#30085 opened by Samsy - 1
Manual not up to date
#30140 opened by s-rigaud - 2
GLTFLoader: meshes with multiple primitives and multiple instances have non-unique name
#30090 opened by Mirei3D - 3
THREE.WebGPURenderer: WebGPU Device Lost - displaying on all three examples and own project
#30099 opened by Russo-creation - 0
TSL texture reading / passed as argument in Fn does not work
#30133 opened by Samsy - 0
NodeMaterial support in Loader
#30114 opened by Makio64 - 1
backgroundNode color renders in the shadow map
#30111 opened by Samsy - 1
For reference: glTF Extension `KHR_gaussian_splatting` for 3DGS scene representation
#30101 opened by jo-chemla - 1
Adding a position options for the PMREM fromScene generation
#30071 opened by Samsy - 9
TSL 'property', using array of float or vec, or mat etc..
#30097 opened by Samsy - 4
WebGPURenderer: Shadows Performances Issues
#30065 opened by RenaudRohlinger - 7
TSL texture( uniform(map), uv() ) not working
#29974 opened by Makio64 - 2
Missing "./webgpu" specifier in "three" package
#29990 opened by FlipFloop - 7
WebGPU NodeMaterial does not takes any params for contruction
#29994 opened by Samsy - 2
lookAt() function on camera not behaving as expected in WebXR after VR headset moves
#30029 opened by bencf - 13
r171 : Fn is not a function with vite.
#29996 opened by Makio64 - 0
API documentation error: fog in the normal material
#30120 opened by ForGoodTech - 1
WebGPURenderer: WebGL2 backend: moving directional light causes shadow flickering
#30066 opened by srfall - 1
Overriding fogNode breaks scene from inline to Fn
#30104 opened by Samsy - 1
Toggling renderer.shadow after initialisation breaks the render, same happens when setting scene.environment to null after it's been set initially
#30074 opened by Samsy - 3
Uniform texture not working
#30050 opened by Makio64 - 1
Crashing after adding more than 12 lights to scene
#30056 opened by astruegenius - 6
Depth textures are consistently read as 0 in compute shaders
#30070 opened by Spiri0 - 2
WebGL2 context stays in memory on Safari
#30047 opened by Klaasvaak - 6
Force a node to rebuild
#30052 opened by Makio64 - 14
TSL nodes Composability / Stacking / Extends ?
#29995 opened by Samsy - 0
Setting hardcoded vec values to a fogNode does not work, also Fn TSL does not work
#30077 opened by Samsy - 0
- 1
PMREM generation produce wrong results
#30048 opened by Samsy - 1
CSM Shadows broken
#30053 opened by RenaudRohlinger - 1
- 1
WebGPURenderer does not detect dynamic light addition/removal
#30044 opened by Sicndu - 3
PropertyBinding on `.material.color` doesn't set `needsUpdate`
#30035 opened by tommie - 1
USDZ exporter premultiplies alpha in textures when Texture.premultiplyAlpha == false
#30040 opened by Mirei3D - 1
- 6
Issue with code formating in the documentation
#30008 opened by MartinDelille - 1
Can not call xxxnode.assign directly
#30021 opened by code-soldier - 0
onBeforeShadow, onAfterShadow WebGPU are not implemented
#30026 opened by Samsy - 6
Raycast on a WebGPU Line2 / Line2NodeMaterial breaks
#29986 opened by Samsy - 1
Change postprocessing shaders from GLSL to WGSL
#30028 opened by astruegenius - 3
WebGPURenderer initially reports WebGPUBackend before falling back to WebGLBackend
#30024 opened by verekia - 1
WebGPURenderer: Models with morphs are less performant
#29980 opened by 0b5vr - 1
Weird behaviour in a test
#30014 opened by s-rigaud