Unet implementation in R flavor of Keras
Need image loader to remove or sample from chips that have no target in them. They could be out of the study area or just lacking a thing. For rare classes, this could be many/most random tiles. might want to think of better way.
somehow split out training image vs val image
- add stride/padding/offset and train/val split values to config
- add function to make all possible overlapping tile UL coords
- split all-possible into train/val based on config value
- only pull infinite chip from train list of possible UL corner coords
- has to check to see if all-possble coords exist, but DOES NOT KNOW if you changed dim, need to make it aware
- ran into this bug before b/c no notice of using old data. add message when ussing old data
- add option to config to reser the all-possble train/val splits
- has to be able to also function as it does now where split% == 0 so train/val randomly from same of seperate study area images
- Alternative to random select of train/val set (best in Kfolds CV) is to have full train/val images or either seperate geographies or strips/sections/blocks of single geography where train is NA where Val has data.
add functionality to record dice/jaccard by batch and chip coords to reconstruct error map
- somehow write out coords form batch and then join to error metric of that batch.
- did this with a custom callback, but only records training dice coef because validation is only at end of epoch
- create second validation iterator to get coords of validation after model fit
- post-model-fit validation loop for mapping moved into own script.
- Then work on train/val all-possible coords lists to use instead...
- Need to figure out mapping pixel coords to geographic coords
image normalization to dataset mean/variance (in config)
Test additional architectures
Test Time Augmenting, flipping, mirror, etc... (large area prediction)
Make it easy to test on different classes (still all binary class prediction)
Rstudio Keras example repo of Unet
Augment images and masks
fit_generator pulling too many images from data generator because workers >= 1
Custom callback to record metrics as end of each batch
Memory issues with magick package. Cannot load full SARA raster.