
Automation Framework for Selenium WebDriver API

Primary LanguagePython

Pypi Tests Status Code Coverage Status

PAF - Python Automation Framework

Python implementation of Testerra API.

It is basically a wrapper for Selenium WebDriver and WebElement which brings some more comfort features. This is not a test framework, but it implements assertion features anyway.

The basic concept is, to identify WebElements on every action or property accessor to prevent StaleElementExceptions.

Quick start

import inject
import paf.config
from paf.locator import By
from paf.page import FinderPage, PageFactory

# Configure dependency injection

# Instantiate the page factory
page_factory = inject.instance(PageFactory)

# Create a simple finder page
page = page_factory.create_page(FinderPage)

# Visit URL

# Find element
element = page.find("#q")

# Perform actions

# Perform assertions


  • You need at least a local WebDriver installed.

    brew|choco|apt install chromedriver
  • Python 3.10 (or higher).

Feature list

Missing features (tdb)

  • Rect assertions
  • ShadowRoot support
  • Drag & Drop over frames

Environment variables

  • PAF_BROWSER_SETTING=chrome:90: Sets the requested browser name and it's version.
  • PAF_WINDOW_SIZE=1920x1080: Sets the browsers default window size.
  • PAF_SCREENSHOTS_DIR=screenshots: Sets the screenshots' directory.
  • PAF_SEQUENCE_WAIT_AFTER_FAIL=0.3: Wait in seconds whenever a sequence action fails.
  • PAF_SEQUENCE_RETRY_COUNT=3: Retry count for every sequence action.
  • PAF_DEMO_MODE=0: Enables the demo mode by highlighting actions and assertions.
  • PAF_SELENIUM_SERVER_URL= Uses Selenium server if set.
  • PAF_DRIVER_PATH: Path to Webdriver binary
  • PAF_BINARY_PATH: Path to User agent's binary


Some real world examples.

  1. test_google.py: is a regular Google search, implemented with Page Objects and Components.
  2. test_todo_mvc.py: are re-implemented test cases from the Robot Framework TodoMVC example. It's IMHO developer friendly, better readable and less code.
  3. test_asyncio.py: Parallel execution via asyncio.
  4. test_monkeytype.py: Typing test on https://monkeytype.com


Comparison of the syntax with other frameworks.





self.assert_text_not_visible("Thanks for your purchase.", "#app .success")

find("#app .success").expect.text.not_be("Thanks for your purchase.")


browser.all('#rso>div').should(have.size_greater_than(5)) \
    .first.should(have.text('Selenium automates browsers'))

div = find("#rso>div")
div.first.expect.text.be("Selenium automates browsers")

References: https://www.nextgenerationautomation.com/post/python-test-automation-frameworks

Developer area


Run the tests on you local machine

pytest --cov=paf -n=4 test

Build test base container (for use in GitHub Actions)

podman build -f ubuntu-base.Dockerfile --arch=amd64 -t paf-test-base:latest
source build.env
echo $DOCKER_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_TOKEN | podman login -u mreiche --password-stdin ghcr.io
podman push paf-test-base:latest docker://ghcr.io/mreiche/paf-test-base:latest

Build test runner container (for testing)

Run tests within container

podman run -e PAF_TEST_HEADLESS=1 -e PAF_TEST_CONTAINER=1 -e PAF_TEST_LOCAL_SELENIUM=0 paf-test-base:latest pytest --cov=paf -n=4 test

Run local selenium server

wget https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/releases/download/selenium-4.9.0/selenium-server-4.9.0.jar -O selenium-server.jar
java -jar selenium-server.jar standalone --host

Debug XPaths in Browser's Developer Console

xpath = "//dt[.//text()='Title:']/following-sibling::dd[1]"
snapshot = document.evaluate(xpath, document.body, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE)

Release update

  1. Update version in setup.py
  2. Package library
    python setup.py sdist
  3. Publish library
    twine upload dist/python-automation-framework-[version].tar.gz
