Clojure wrapper for jsendnsca. The project uses Midje.
lein midje
will run all tests.
lein midje namespace.*
will run only tests beginning with "namespace.".
lein midje :autotest
will run all the tests indefinitely. It sets up a
watcher on the code files. If they change, only the relevant tests will be
run again.
Install vagrant, yada yada.
vagrant up
In some window:
vagrant ssh -c "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog"
lein run
Expect to see something like:
Sep 22 20:32:25 debian-6 nsca[1559]: Caught SIGHUP - restarting...
Sep 22 20:32:25 debian-6 nsca[1559]: Starting up daemon
Sep 22 20:32:25 debian-6 nsca[1559]: Listening for connections on port 5667
Sep 22 20:33:28 debian-6 nsca[1576]: Connection from port 46579
Sep 22 20:33:28 debian-6 nsca[1576]: Handling the connection...
Sep 22 20:33:29 debian-6 nsca[1576]: SERVICE CHECK -> Host Name: 'horst', Service Description: 'API', Return Code: '1', Output: 'Oh noes!!!'
Sep 22 20:33:29 debian-6 nsca[1576]: Command file '/var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd' does not exist, attempting to use alternate dump file '/var/run/nagios/nsca.dump' for output
Sep 22 20:33:29 debian-6 nsca[1576]: Could not open alternate dump file '/var/run/nagios/nsca.dump' for appending
Sep 22 20:33:29 debian-6 nsca[1576]: End of connection...