A video describing this project and the background here can be found here.
- To provide students with hands on experience testing, developing, and maintaining a backend server in python.
- To develop students' problem solving skills in relation to the software development lifecycle.
- Learn to work effectively as part of a team by managing your project, planning, and allocation of responsibilities among the members of your team.
- Gain experience in collaborating through the use of a source control and other associated modern team-based tools.
- Apply appropriate design practices and methodologies in the development of their solution
- Develop an appreciation for product design and an intuition of how a typical customer will use a product.
- 02/11/2019: "u_id" added to user and users structures
- 02/11/2019: member return objects (seen in channel/details) have "profile_img_url" property added to them
- 02/11/2019: Restricted image uploads to only be for JPGs. If you want to do all images that's fine, this just makes it easier for everyone else.
- 02/11/2019: standup/active route added (this is really trivial)
An overview of this background and this project can be found in a short video found HERE.
To manage the transition from trimesters to hexamesters in 2020, UNSW has established a new focus on building an in-house digital collaboration and communication tool for groups and teams.
Rather than re-invent the wheel, UNSW has decided that it finds the functionality of Slack to be nearly exactly what it needs. For this reason, UNSW has contracted out Rayden Pty Ltd (a small software business run by Rob and Hayden) to build the new product. In UNSW's attempt to connect with the younger and more "hip" generation that fell in love with flickr, Tumblr, etc, they would like to call the new UNSW-based product slackr.
Rayden Pty Ltd has sub-contracted two software firms:
- BananaPie Pty Ltd (two software developers, Sally and Bob, who will build the initial web-based GUI)
- YourTeam Pty Ltd (a team of talented misfits completing COMP1531 in 19T3), who will build the backend python server and possibly assist in the GUI later in the project
In summary, UNSW contracts Rayden Pty Ltd, who sub contracts:
- BananaPie (Sally and Bob) for front end work
- YourTeam (you and others) for backend work
Rayden Pty Ltd met with Sally and Bob (the front end development team) 2 weeks ago to brief them on this project. While you are still trying to get up to speed on the requirements of this project, Sally and Bob understand the requirements of the project very well.
Because of this they have already specified a common interface for the front end and backend to operate on. This allows both parties to go off and do their own development and testing under the assumption that both parties comply will comply with the common interface. This is the interface you are required to use
Beside the information available in the interface that Sally and Bob provided, you have been told (so far) that the features of slackr that UNSW would like to see implemented include:
- Ability to login, register if not logged in, and log out
- Ability to reset password if forgotten it
- Ability to see a list of channels
- Ability to create a channel, join a channel, invite someone else to a channel, and leave a channel
- Within a channel, ability to view all messages, view the members of the channel, and the details of the channel
- Within a channel, ability to send a message now, or to send a message at a specified time in the future
- Within a channel, ability to edit, remove, pin, unpin, react, or unreact to a message
- Ability to view user anyone's user profile, and modify a user's own profile (name, email, handle, and profile photo)
- Ability to search for messages based on a search string
- Ability to modify a user's admin privileges: (MEMBER, ADMIN, OWNER)
- Ability to begin a "standup", which is a 15 minute period where users can send messages that at the end of the period will automatically be collated and summarised to all users
To get further information about the requirements, Rayden Pty Ltd has provided a pre-recorded video briefing (with verbal and visual descriptions) of what UNSW would like to see in the Slackr product. This can be found HERE. Hint: This video should be the main source of information from which you derive your user stories
During your lab class, in weeks without demonstrations (see below), you and your team will conduct a short stand-up in the presence of your tutor. Each member of the team will briefly state what they have done in the past week, what they intend to do over the next week, and what issues they faced or are currently facing. This is so your tutor, who is acting as a representative of the client, is kept informed of your progress. They will make note of your presence and may ask you to elaborate on the work you've done.
Adapt to changes in spec
A number of changes have been made to the specification (i.e. interface) since iteration 2. Adjust your code to deal with these changes. A short summary of the key changes include:
- added: GET users/all
- profile_img_url added to user return objects
- user/profiles/uploadphoto now had to be completed
- standup/start takes in the standup length (in seconds) as a variable input
- for message/edit, if the new message is an empty string, the message is deleted
Ensure that you have a suite of automated tests that test your backend to ensure it is functioning as you intend. Note, a couple of particular capabilities may be impossible to test with pytest.
Analyse your system
Produce an ER diagram that accurately models the data layer of your backend.
Place these diagrams in a PDF
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Demonstrate software engineering design understanding
Refactor or add to your code from iteration 2 to utilise good software engineering design to make your code more maintainable. Use a range of principles discussed in lectures.
As you modify your code, maintain a up to a 2 page markdown file that lists the key changes you've made in your code and why they've been made.
Write this in
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Reflect on your use of agile practices and how you worked as a team.
Your reflection should, at a minimum, include:
- How often you met, and why you met that often
- What methods you used to ensure that meetings were successful
- What steps you took when things did not go to plan during iteration 3
- Details on how you had multiple people working on the same code
Write this in
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Integrate with front end
After you have tested your backend, try and run the frontend to ensure that your backend works with it. This will allow you to use a fully fledged slackr app that you will demo the capabilities of in week 10.
This also includes displaying the correct errors on the frontend when errors are raised.
Please note: You will be given 2 weeks with a fully functioning frontend, beginning at 8pm on Sunday 3rd November (end of week 7). In the interim, the frontend is still available and you are more than welcome to use it, however, there may be the occasional bug, and the following may not be complete on the frontend: admin permission change, search, and standup.
This iteration is due to be submitted at 8pm Sunday 17th November (week 9). You will then be demonstrating this in your week 10 lab. All team members must attend this lab session.
To submit, one team member must run this command in the CSE environment:
1531 submit iteration3
Only one team member is required to submit for the entire groups submission to be recorded. Make sure that everything you intend to submit is included in your repo.
Section | Weighting | Criteria |
Quality of testing methods | 15% |
Documentation and Modelling | 5% |
Demonstration of applying software engineering principles | 35% |
Teamwork | 25% |
Correctness & Frontend Demonstration | 20% |
There is no requirement or marks awarded for modifying or extending the frontend.
However, we encourage the more eager teams to try and modify or extend the front end to improve the experience in some way.
We will prioritise non-frontend-extension questions and queries over your queries on the forum. Since this is a bonus aspect to the assignment we can't guarantee support.
Checkout frontend/README.md or the video posted by Hayden on Webcms3 (ReactJS) for more information
If you modify the frontend, you will only be allowed to demonstrate the static version in your final release. To rebundle the frontend, simply go to the frontend folder and run ./pack. This will rebuild the frontend and place it in prebundle.
When you demonstrate this iteration, the breakdown will go approximately like this:
- 5 minutes of presenting your code, tests, and how it integrates with the provided front-end
- 10 minutes of Q&A from the tutor(s), including questions about how your team worked as a group
Variable name | Type |
named exactly email | string |
named exactly id | integer |
named exactly length | integer |
named exactly password | string |
named exactly token | string |
named exactly message | string |
contains substring name | string |
contains substring code | string |
has prefix is_ | boolean |
has prefix time_ | integer (unix timestamp), check this out |
has suffix _id | integer |
has suffix _url | string |
has suffix _str | string |
has suffix end | integer |
has suffix start | integer |
(outputs only) named exactly user | Dictionary containing u_id, email, name_first, name_last, handle_str, profile_img_url |
(outputs only) named exactly users | List of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains types u_id, email, name_first, name_last, handle_str, profile_img_url |
(outputs only) named exactly messages | List of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains types { message_id, u_id, message, time_created, reacts, is_pinned, } |
(outputs only) named exactly reacts | List of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains types { react_id, u_ids, is_this_user_reacted } where react_id is the id of a react, and u_ids is a list of user id's of people who've reacted for that react. is_this_user_reacted is whether or not the authorised user has been one of the reacts to this post |
(outputs only) named exactly channels | List of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains types { channel_id, name } |
(outputs only) name ends in members | List of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains types { u_id, name_first, name_last, profile_img_url } |
For outputs with data pertaining to a user, a profile_img_url is present. When images are uploaded for a user profile, after processing them you should store them on the server such that your server now locally has a copy of the cropped image of the original file linked. Then, the profile_img_url should be a URL to the server, such as http://localhost:5001/imgurl/adfnajnerkn23k4234.jpg (a unique url you generate).
Note: This is most likely the most challenging part of the project. Don't get lost in this, we would strongly recommend most teams complete this capability last.
Many of these functions (nearly all of them) need to be called from the perspective of a user who is logged in already. When calling these "authorised" functions, we need to know:
- Which user is calling it
- That the person who claims they are that user, is actually that user
We could solve this trivially by storing the user ID of the logged in user on the front end, and every time the front end (from Sally and Bob) calls your background, they just sent a user ID. This solves our first problem (1), but doesn't solve our second problem! Because someone could just "hack" the front end and change their user id and then log themselves in as someone else.
To solve this when a user logs in or registers the backend should return a "token" (an authorisation hash) that the front end will store and pass into most of your functions in future. When these "authorised" functions are called, you can check if a token is valid, and determine the user ID.
If you return the following from a route, the frontend will successfully display the error as intended.
"code": 400,
"name": "ValueError",
"message": "This is the text displayed",
}), 400
You should create your own custom ValueError (differnet from the built in type) and AccessError and use the sample code myexcept.py to see how you can program flask to automatically handle and send back all ValueErrors and AccessErrors caught.
Note: For this to work successfully, you'll need to import these errors in any file that throws errors, or any pytest file that catches these errors
The only React ID currently associated with the frontend is React ID 1, which is a thumbs up. You are welcome to add more (this will require some frontend work)
- Members in a channel have two permissions.
- Owner of the channel (the person who created it, and whoever else that creator adds)
- Members of the channel
- Slackr user's have three permissions
- Owners, which have the same privileges as an admin (permission_id 1), except they can also modify other owners' permissions.
- Admins, who have special permissions that members don't (permission_id 2), including modifying other admins' permissions.
- Members, who do not have any special permissions (permission_id 3)
- All slackr members are by default members, except for the very first user who signs up, who is an owner
A user's primary permissions are their "Slackr" permissions. Then the channel permissions are layered on top. For example:
- An owner of slackr has owner privileges in every channel they've joined
- An admin of slackr has owner privileges in every channel they've joined
- A member of slackr is a member in channels they are not owners of
- A member of slackr is an owner in channels they are owners of
Once standups are finished, all of the messages sent to standup/send are packaged together in one single message posted by the user who started the standup and sent as a message to the channel the standup was started in, timestamped at the moment the standup finished.
The structure of the packaged message is like this:
For example:
hayden: I ate a catfish
rob: I went to kmart
michelle: I ate a toaster
isaac: my catfish ate a toaster
Standups can be started on the frontend by typing "/standup X", where X is the number of seconds that the standup lasts for, into the message input and clicking send.
- For all functions except auth_register, auth_login
- Error thrown when token passed in is not a valid token
The behaviour in which channel_messages returns data is called pagination. It's a commonly used method when it comes to getting theoretially unbounded amounts of data from a server to display on a page in chunks. Most of the timelines you know and love - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn - do this.
For example, if we imagine a user with token "12345" is trying to read messages from channel with ID 6, and this channel has 124 messages in it, 3 calls from the client to the server would be made. These calls, and their corresponding return values would be:
- channel_messages("12345", 6, 0) => { [messages], 0, 50 }
- channel_messages("12345", 6, 50) => { [messages], 50, 100 }
- channel_messages("12345", 6, 100) => { [messages], 100, -1 }
HTTP Request | Endpoint name | Parameters | Return type | Exception | Description |
POST | auth/login | (email, password) | { u_id, token } | ValueError when any of:
Given a registered users' email and password and generates a valid token for the user to remain authenticated |
POST | auth/logout | (token) | { is_success } | N/A | Given an active token, invalidates the taken to log the user out. If a valid token is given, and the user is successfully logged out, it returns true, otherwise false. |
POST | auth/register | (email, password, name_first, name_last) | { u_id, token } | ValueError when any of:
Given a user's first and last name, email address, and password, create a new account for them and return a new token for authentication in their session. A handle is generated that is the concatentation of a lowercase-only first name and last name. If the concatenation is longer than 20 characters, it is cutoff at 20 characters. If the handle is already taken, you may modify the handle in any way you see fit to make it unique. |
POST | auth/passwordreset/request | (email) | {} | N/A | Given an email address, if the user is a registered user, send's them a an email containing a specific secret code, that when entered in auth_passwordreset_reset, shows that the user trying to reset the password is the one who got sent this email. |
POST | auth/passwordreset/reset | (reset_code, new_password) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Given a reset code for a user, set that user's new password to the password provided |
POST | channel/invite | (token, channel_id, u_id) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Invites a user (with user id u_id) to join a channel with ID channel_id. Once invited the user is added to the channel immediately |
GET | channel/details | (token, channel_id) | { name, owner_members, all_members } | ValueError when any of:
Given a Channel with ID channel_id that the authorised user is part of, provide basic details about the channel |
GET | channel/messages | (token, channel_id, start) | { messages, start, end } | ValueError when any of:
Given a Channel with ID channel_id that the authorised user is part of, return up to 50 messages between index "start" and "start + 50". Message with index 0 is the most recent message in the channel. This function returns a new index "end" which is the value of "start + 50", or, if this function has returned the least recent messages in the channel, returns -1 in "end" to indicate there are no more messages to load after this return. |
POST | channel/leave | (token, channel_id) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Given a channel ID, the user removed as a member of this channel |
POST | channel/join | (token, channel_id) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Given a channel_id of a channel that the authorised user can join, adds them to that channel |
POST | channel/addowner | (token, channel_id, u_id) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Make user with user id u_id an owner of this channel |
POST | channel/removeowner | (token, channel_id, u_id) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Remove user with user id u_id an owner of this channel |
GET | channels/list | (token) | { channels: [] } | N/A | Provide a list of all channels (and their associated details) that the authorised user is part of |
GET | channels/listall | (token) | { channels: [] } | N/A | Provide a list of all channels (and their associated details) |
POST | channels/create | (token, name, is_public) | { channel_id } | ValueError when any of:
Creates a new channel with that name that is either a public or private channel |
POST | message/sendlater | (token, channel_id, message, time_sent) | { message_id } | ValueError when any of:
Send a message from authorised_user to the channel specified by channel_id automatically at a specified time in the future |
POST | message/send | (token, channel_id, message) | { message_id } | ValueError when any of:
Send a message from authorised_user to the channel specified by channel_id |
DELETE | message/remove | (token, message_id) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Given a message_id for a message, this message is removed from the channel |
PUT | message/edit | (token, message_id, message) | {} | AccessError when none of the following are true:
Given a message, update it's text with new text. If the new message is an empty string, the message is deleted. |
POST | message/react | (token, message_id, react_id) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Given a message within a channel the authorised user is part of, add a "react" to that particular message |
POST | message/unreact | (token, message_id, react_id) | {} | ValueError
Given a message within a channel the authorised user is part of, remove a "react" to that particular message |
POST | message/pin | (token, message_id) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Given a message within a channel, mark it as "pinned" to be given special display treatment by the frontend |
POST | message/unpin | (token, message_id) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Given a message within a channel, remove it's mark as unpinned |
GET | user/profile | (token, u_id) | { user } | ValueError when any of:
For a valid user, returns information about their email, first name, last name, and handle |
PUT | user/profile/setname | (token, name_first, name_last) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Update the authorised user's first and last name |
PUT | user/profile/setemail | (token, email) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Update the authorised user's email address |
PUT | user/profile/sethandle | (token, handle_str) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Update the authorised user's handle (i.e. display name) |
POST | user/profiles/uploadphoto | (token, img_url, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Given a URL of an image on the internet, crops the image within bounds (x_start, y_start) and (x_end, y_end). Position (0,0) is the top left. |
GET | users/all | (token) | { users: []} | ||
POST | standup/start | (token, channel_id, length) | { time_finish } | ValueError when any of:
For a given channel, start the standup period whereby for the next "length" seconds if someone calls "standup_send" with a message, it is buffered during the X second window then at the end of the X second window a message will be added to the message queue in the channel from the user who started the standup. X is an integer that denotes the number of seconds that the standup occurs for |
GET | standup/active | (token, channel_id) | { is_active, time_finish } | ValueError when any of:
For a given channel, return whether a standup is active in it, and what time the standup finishes. If no standup is active, then time_finish returns None |
POST | standup/send | (token, channel_id, message) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Sending a message to get buffered in the standup queue, assuming a standup is currently active |
GET | search | (token, query_str) | { messages: [] } | N/A | Given a query string, return a collection of messages in all of the channels that the user has joined that match the query |
POST | admin/userpermission/change | (token, u_id, permission_id) | {} | ValueError when any of:
Given a User by their user ID, set their permissions to new permissions described by permission_id |
Iteration | Code and report due | Demonstration to tutor(s) | Assessment weighting of project (%) |
1 | 8pm Sunday 6th October (week 3) | In YOUR week 4 laboratory (week 5 for monday tutes) | 30% |
2 | 8pm Sunday 27th October (week 6) | In YOUR week 7 laboratory | 40% |
3 | 8pm Sunday 17th November (week 9) | In YOUR week 10 laboratory | 30% |
While it is up to you as a team to decide how work is distributed between you, for the purpose of assessment there are certain key criteria all members must.
- Code contribution
- Documentation contribution
- Usage of git/GitLab
- Attendance
- Peer assessment
- Academic conduct
The details of each of these is below.
While, in general, all team members will receive the same mark (a sum of the marks for each iteration), if you as an individual fail to meet these criteria your final project mark may be scaled down, most likely quite significantly.
All team members must contribute code to the project. Tutors will assess the degree to which you have contributed by looking at your git history and analysing lines of code, number of commits, timing of commits, etc. If you contribute significantly less code than your team members, your work will be closely examined to determine what scaling needs to be applied.
All team members must contribute documentation to the project. Tutors will assess the degree to which you have contributed by looking at your git history but also asking questions (essentially interviewing you) during your demonstration.
Note that, contributing more documentation is not a substitute for not contributing code.
You will be required to complete a form in week 10 where you rate each team member's contribution to the project and leave any comments you have about them. Information on how you can access this form will be released closer to Week 10. Your other team members will not be able to see how you rated them or what comments you left.
If your team members give you a less than satisfactory rating, your contribution will be scrutinised and you may find your final mark scaled down.
It is generally assumed that all team members will be present at the demonstrations and at weekly check-ins. If you're absent for more than 80% of the weekly check-ins or any of the demonstrations, your mark may be scaled down.
If, due to exceptional circumstances, you are unable to attend your lab for a demonstration, inform your tutor as soon as you can so they can record your absence as planned.
The work you and your group submit must be your own work. Submission of work partially or completely derived from any other person or jointly written with any other person is not permitted. The penalties for such an offence may include negative marks, automatic failure of the course and possibly other academic discipline. Assignment submissions will be examined both automatically and manually for such submissions.
Relevant scholarship authorities will be informed if students holding scholarships are involved in an incident of plagiarism or other misconduct.
Do not provide or show your project work to any other person, except for your group and the teaching staff of COMP1531. If you knowingly provide or show your assignment work to another person for any reason, and work derived from it is submitted you may be penalized, even if the work was submitted without your knowledge or consent. This may apply even if your work is submitted by a third party unknown to you.
Note, you will not be penalized if your work has the potential to be taken without your consent or knowledge.