Basically a clone of the Zachtronics circuit building flash game Engineer of the People
Essentially, you form gates at P (Yellow) and N (Red) type silicon junctions. NPN gates are blocking until powered, and PNP gates are permissive until powered. N and P type silicon by default will not pass signals between each other.
Metal is a second layer to the silicon, and connections can be made between the layers by placing vias (Circles).
Now one key feature about Zachtronics' game that I really didnt like is that it ended. So I made a sandbox version, with a few modified mechanics and some extra features. The differences are primarily:
- Redstone-like connectivity system, where adjacent tiles always interact if they can.
- Ability to rotate and flip selections.
- User placeable power sources and scopes.
- Ability to pause and step logic simulation
- Lots of datastructure optimizations to handle such a large grid space, hoping that I can eventually build a small computer in it.
Heres a circuit which runs the collatz function (n) => n%2==1 ? 3n+1 : n/2
every clock cycle.