
Deamon for tracking FS20 dimmer commands to mqtt

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


mqtt-smarthome NPM version License

A deamon for tracking FS20 dimmer commands to mqtt following the mqtt-smarthome architecure.

Based on the idea of mqtt-smarthome and especially on the work of hobbyquaker cul2mqtt.js.

This deamon tries to behave as ELV FS20 dimmer actuators do. Actually it's not 100% accurate, so it won't work to guess the dimlevel exactly as a fs20 device would, you can't use ist in parallel.

The idea was to use FS20 wall switches to control other (non-FS20) dimmers like lightify or hue lamps. In my case I use openhab2 to control the lamps based on the output of this module.

Please read the --help output for commandline options.


sudo npm install -g fs20dimmer2mqtt

As hobbyquaker I also suggest to use pm2 to manage the fs20dimmer2mqtt process (start on system boot, manage log files, ...). There is a really good howto at the mqtt-smarthome repo


fs20dimmer2mqtt --help

FS20 dimmer tracker to mqtt-smarthome daemon.

Usage: index.js [options]

  -v, --verbosity            possible values: "error", "warn", "info", "debug"
                                                               [default: "info"]
  -c, --cul-connection-mode  cul connection mode
  --cul-serialport           cul serialport (if serial)
  --cul-baudrate             cul baudrate (if serial)                   [number]
  --cul-coc                  has to be enabled for usage with COC, changes
                             default baudrate to 38400 and default serialport to
                             /dev/ttyACM0                              [boolean]
  --cul-scc                  cul has to be enabled for usage with SCC, changes
                             default baudrate to 38400 and default serialport to
                             /dev/ttyAMA0                              [boolean]
  --cul-host                 cul hostname if telnet
  --cul-port                 cul port if telnet                         [number]
  --cul-no-network-timeout   disabling sending keep alive signals if telnet
  --fs20-map                 file containing name mappings from FS20 adresses to
  -h, --help                 Show help                                 [boolean]
  --version                  Show version number                       [boolean]
  -m, --mqtt-url             mqtt broker url. See
                                                   [default: "mqtt://"]
  -n, --name                 instance name. used as mqtt client id and as prefix
                             for connected topic         [default: "fs20dimmer"]
  -p, --mqtt-password        mqtt broker password
  -q, --mqtt-qos             mqtt qos setting              [number] [default: 0]
  -r, --mqtt-no-retain       disable mqtt retain                       [boolean]
  -s, --json-values          Publish values on status at mqtt as json including
                             additional info                           [boolean]
  -u, --mqtt-username        mqtt broker username
  -w, --watchdog             timeout for internal watchdog in seconds (default:
                             0=off)                                 [default: 0]


  • Simple Example, local mqtt server, no auth, no retain, watchdog on: /usr/bin/fs20dimmer2mqtt -c telnet --cul-host -r -w 90 starts the deamon, connects to cuno via telnet at and publishes at fs20dimmer/status/# of the local mqtt (port 1883)

  • Complex Example, local mqtt server, with auth, no retain, watchdog on: /usr/bin/helios2mqtt -c telnet --cul-host --cul-port 23 -m mqtt:// -u f20dimmerMqtt -p seCRe7 -s -v warn -r -w 90 --fs20-map /home/smarthome/fs20-map.json starts the deamon, connects to cuno via telnet at with poert 23 and publishes at fs20dimmer/status/# of the mqtt server at using the credentials above. Published will be json strings with additional infos. Will only print warning and errors. Uses a map fs20 devices to name using the definition in home of smarthome user.

mqtt topics

  • fs20dimmer/status/xxx: fs20dimmer2mqtt pushes the current dimlevel of each received FS20 device to either fs20dimmer/status/deviceNameFromMapFile or to fs20dimmer/status/FS20/123400 if device does not have a map file. You can choose using -s Option if you would like to simply have the value or a json string with more info like timestamp and explanation.

  • fs20dimmer/get/xxx: fs20dimmer2mqtt listens to get requests here. You can request status updates for specific devices here. The response will be published as status.

  • fs20dimmer/set/xxx: Can be used for changing the dim level and sending the FS20 command. The published value has to be: on, off or a level in percent [0-100]. After a set there will be a status update at the status topic.

  • fs20dimmer/update/xxx: Can be used for changing the internal dim level without sending the FS20 command and without status-feedback. The published value has to be: on, off or a level in percent [0-100]. This is especially useful in combination with openhab2: If it is possible to adjust brightnes form another switch/webui/etc you can synchronize the dimmer here.

  • fs20dimmer/connected:

    • 0 means not connected (using a mqtt will, so this means deamon is not running at all or is not able to connect to mqtt server)
    • 1 means connected to mqtt but no connection to cul
    • 2 means connected to both, mqtt and cul

example for openhab2 item

Dimmer Wohnzimmer_Sofa_Dimmer "Sofa Licht Dimmer" {mqtt="<[mosquitto:fs20dimmer/status/Sofa:command:default], >[mosquitto:fs20dimmer/update/Sofa:state:*:default]"}

As you can see mqtt publishes from fs20dimmer to openhab are handled as commands. In the other direction there are only state messages to topic update, which just influence the internal dimmer state but neither trigger a sending of a FS20 wireless telegramm nor will be acknowledged by another publish. I have linked this item with an Osram Lightify bulb (brightness channel). Now you can change the dim-level through the openhab webinterface and the FS20 switch. Even toggle and dimupdown seems to work as expected.

watchdog feature

The watchdog monitors mqtt-publish activity of fs20dimmer2mqtt. I suggest using at least 60 seconds. You can turn this on in order to let fs20dimmer2mqtt exit as a last measure if all reconnect attempts fail (i.e. twice the watchdog time went by without any successful publish. Reasons could for example be a problem with connection to cul and no data from cul or a connection problem to mqtt server. Use witch care - you have to make sure the process gets restarted after it exits, e.g. using pm2 or similar.


MIT © Markus Reschka


Thanks to hobbyquaker for your work on smarthome and hm2mqtt! This work is based on your ideas. First start for this was xyz2mqtt-skeleton.