
Build scripts to easily create a .deb package for PhpStorm


Build scripts to easily create a .deb package for PhpStorm, based on langemeijer/phpstorm-deb.


You will need the devscripts package installed in order to build the PhpStorm .deb file:

apt-get install devscripts debhelper


  • Download the .tar.gz file of PhpStorm and place it in the root directory of this repo.

  • Build the package with the following command:

debuild -us -uc -b


Install the package with the dpkg command:

dpkg -i PhpStorm...

New PhpStorm Versions

If the latest version of PhpStorm is newer than the version listed in debian/changelog, you'll need to run the following command command to update the file:

dch -v <new-version-number> -m "New upstream version"

For example, if the latest version is 2016.2, run the following:

dch -v 2016.2 -m "New upstream version"

You can then commit the change to debian/changelog and submit a pull request.