
This project is using django framework, line-bot python sdk and deployed with Heroku. The functions of this project are the same with movies-data.

How do I get set up?

  • Make LINE@ Account with Messaging API enabled

LINE Business Center

  • Register your Webhook URL

    1. Open LINE Developer
    2. Choose your channel
    3. Edit "Basic Information"
  • Add file in movies_bot directory, and fill it with your channel secret and channel access token, like the following:

channel_secret = <your_channel_secret> channel_access_token = <your_access_token> ```

  • Reply user's message

     line_bot_api = LineBotApi(channel_access_token)
         line_bot_api.reply_message(reply_token, TextSendMessage(text=text_message))
     except LineBotApiError as e:
         print('Exception is raised')
  • Push image to user

     line_bot_api = LineBotApi(channel_access_token)
         line_bot_api.push_message(target_id, ImageSendMessage(original_content_url=poster_url,
     except LineBotApiError as e:
         print('Exception is raised')
  • Construct carousel template message

     carousel_template = CarouselTemplate(columns=[
                                 CarouselColumn(thumbnail_image_url=poster_url, title=title, text='Select one for more info', actions=[
                                         MessageTemplateAction(label='Full Data', text='Title \"'+title+'\"'),
                                         MessageTemplateAction(label='Summary', text='Plot \"'+title+'\"'),
                                         MessageTemplateAction(label='Poster', text='Poster \"'+title+'\"')
                                 CarouselColumn(thumbnail_image_url=poster_url, title=title, text='Select one for more info', actions=[
                                         MessageTemplateAction(label='Released Date', text='Released \"'+title+'\"'),
                                         MessageTemplateAction(label='Actors', text='Actors \"'+title+'\"'),
                                         MessageTemplateAction(label='Awards', text='Awards \"'+title+'\"')
     template_message = TemplateSendMessage(alt_text='Your search result', template=carousel_template)
  • Leave group or room

     line_bot_api = LineBotApi(channel_access_token)
         if source_type == 'room':
         elif source_type == 'group':
     except LineBotApiError as e:
         print('Exception is raised')
  • Compile

python runserver

  • Add requirements.txt by run this script in terminal

pip freeze > requirements.txt

  • Add this inside Procfile

web: gunicorn <your_project_name>.wsgi --log-file -

  • Add to Git Repositories

git add .

  • Commit changes

git commit -m "Your Messages"

  • Deploy

git push heroku master

  • Run Server

$ heroku ps:scale web=1

  • Open logs

heroku logs --tail

How do I contribute?

  • Add your name and e-mail address into CONTRIBUTORS.txt