A modular project for publishing articles and news
I made this project with my current knowledge and the project is being completed...
- special CMS
- Using Laravel Spatie to handle roles and permissions
- Login Register system
Client: React, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, JQuery
Server: PHP, Laravel
Step 1: After cloning project run this command to install vendor and all dependencies
composer install
Step 2: copy .env.example file and make your own .env file and paste the content of .env.example in it then insert your private information such as your DB_PASSWORD
Step 3: run the following command to build the tables
php artisan migrate
Step 4: run all seeders using following command to insert all permissions and a predefined user record that has super admin role to access the project's CMS
php artisan db:seed
Step 5: insert these information to login as super admin and access all the parts of project