
BiDi, shaping and basic text layout for Godot Engine

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BiDi, shaping and basic text layout for Godot Engine.


  • Godot 3.1+
  • C++14 compiler
  • Meson build system (for gdnative module build only)
  • SCons build system

Compiling (as builtin module)

Build options

Name Description Default value
builtin_runtime Use the built-in libraries true
use_graphite2 Enable SIL Graphite 2 complementary shaper true

Building libdgtl module

Clone this repository (without --recursive flag) into Godot's modules subfolder as godot_tl. Rebuild Godot engine as ususal.

Compiling (as gdnative module)

Build options

Name Description Default value
godot-cpp-lib-name godot-cpp static library name (without .a or .lib extension) libgodot-cpp
static-runtime Link libraries statically for better portability false
builtin-runtime Use the built-in libraries false
use-graphite2 Enable SIL Graphite 2 complementary shaper true

Building godot-cpp static library

See https://github.com/GodotNativeTools/godot-cpp/blob/master/README.md#compiling-the-cpp-bindings-library

Building libdgtl module

You can compile this module by executing:

meson {Targer-Folder} -Dgodot-cpp-lib-name={Godot-CPP-Name} --buildtype=release
ninja -C {Targer-Folder}


libgdtl all scripts screenshot

libgdtl debug view


Demo data

Montserrat, Awami Nastaliq, Comic Neue and Noto fonts are published under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1 Material Design icons by Google are published under the Apache License Version 2.0

Noto Color Emoji font is cut down to single glyph (U+1F604) using glyphhanger.