Software developer with a background in devops and full stack web development.
Hayden AISan Francisco
mrf's Followers
- 13rac1???
- ajinkyakulkarniUniversity of Alabama in Huntsville
- AngelAlvarado
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- damienzmGlu Mobile
- dandinu
- davidneedhamDatadog
- guiajlopesMessagebird
- hankhernandez
- isramvIndependent Consultant
- itsdarrylnorrisDarrylNorris
- jacineNew York
- KevinHock@grammarly (Formerly @pinterest, @Yelp)
- kzivChattanooga, TN
- MafujShikder
- mbautin@Yugabyte
- Mohamed988o
- ninjapanzer@taskrabbit
- octovry
- paboden
- Randall333Washington, D.C.
- robdeckerChapter Three
- saurabhlondheKohler Co
- sepulworld@Trulia @georiot @mochi @silvermullet @flexport
- ShawnConn@Luciditi
- sillygwailo@acquia
- spatialpathSpatial Path
- tbfisherAlbuquerque, NM
- ztmurphy21Adelphoi USA