
Simple Arduino powered PhotoFrame and Clock using an SD Card for the photo library

Primary LanguageC++


Simple Arduino powered PhotoFrame and Clock using an SD Card for the photo library

What do I need for this Sketch?

  • A generic 1.8" TFT Screen with SD Card Slot like this
  • Bunch of hookup wire, dupoint cable
  • ESP8266, such as WeMos D1 mini
  • A nice little project box

Wiring Guide

WebMos D1 Mini Pin -> 1.8" TFT Pin

5V    -> VCC 
GND   -> GND 
3.3V  -> LED 
D1    -> CS 
D2    -> A0
D4    -> SD_CS
D5 (SCK) 	-> SCK (of LCD) + SD_SCK
D7 (MOSI) -> SDA (of LCD) + SD_MOSI
RST			  -> RESET

Working Photo frame


Place as many photos as you want on the SD card as a .jpeg, but resize and landscape orientation of them to 160x128.

The code currently changes photo each day, but you can change this as you desire.

Working Photo frame