
tor_ip_switcher is useful for making any DoS attack look like a DDoS attack. Works with toriptables2.

Primary LanguagePython



Architecture Maintenance

Running the automated tips_setup script

Expand for tips_setup script commands
tips_setup.py <your_new_password>
sudo python3 tips_setup.py "password"

Expand for manually resetting password

Edit with sed editor: /etc/tor/torrc

  1. Remove the comment "#" from the line with #ControlPort 9051
sudo sed -i '/ControlPort /s/^#//' /etc/tor/torrc
  1. Remove the comment "#" from the line with #HashedControlPassword
sudo sed -i '/HashedControlPassword /s/^#//' /etc/tor/torrc
  1. Reset HashedControlPassword.
tor --hash-password "Your_new_password"
  1. Replace the old hashed password below 16:01234556789ABCDEF with <16:your_new_password_hash>.
sudo sed -i 's/^HashedControlPassword 16:.*[A-Z0-9]*$/HashedControlPassword 16:01234556789ABCDEF/' /etc/tor/torrc
  1. Finally, reload the configuration file.
sudo kill -HUP $(pidof tor)

Expand for usage
Method One: Run-as a background job and disown
tor_ip_switcher.py &

Method Two: Run-as a screen session detached

Expand for run-as a screen session detached
screen -dmS "torswitcher" tor_ip_switcher.py

Expand for screenie

▹ Tor IP Switcher Screenshot

Expand for screenie

▹ Tor Manager Screenshot



Forked from

Pen-testing Only.