
This GitHub repository documents my journey of learning TypeScript and daily practices. The goal is to deepen my understanding of TypeScript and enhance my skills throughout this process. This repository will serve as a reference for future resumes.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TypeScript Learning Journey

Welcome to my TypeScript learning journey! This GitHub repository documents my progress as I deepen my understanding of TypeScript and enhance my skills through daily practices. The goal is to become proficient in TypeScript and use it effectively in projects, ultimately improving my development skills and making valuable contributions to the community.


  1. Understand the fundamental concepts of TypeScript: Gain a solid understanding of TypeScript's core concepts.
  2. Improve project development skills with TypeScript: Enhance my ability to develop projects using TypeScript.
  3. Learn common libraries and tools used with TypeScript: Explore popular libraries and tools within the TypeScript ecosystem.

Daily Practices

Every day, I will engage in the following practices:

  1. Coding: Practice coding with TypeScript for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  2. Documentation Reading: Explore the official TypeScript documentation to learn new concepts.
  3. Sample Project Work: Work on a small sample project to apply practical usage of TypeScript.
  4. Code Reviews: Review TypeScript projects on GitHub to understand and learn from others' code.
  5. Note-taking: Document new concepts and practices learned during the day.


If you're interested in sharing this journey and learning together, feel free to fork and contribute!