
Udacity Project - Item Catalog Application

Primary LanguagePython

Item Catalog Application

Udacity Project - Item Catalog Application

This project demonstrates CRUD in a web application using Flask and SqlAlchemy.

Getting Started

Follow these instructions in order to make this test this application.


Programming Language:


Virtual Machine

Please fork this repository into your vagrant/catalog directory.

On your terminal type this command: cd vagrant/catalog

Then initialize the virtual machine by vagrant up then vagrant ssh

Setting up the Application

After performing the previous steps, type this in your terminal: cd \vagrant

Now type: python items.py to load some sample data in the db

And then type: python application.py

To Test the Application

In your browser, go to http://localhost:5000 and test the app.

To test the sample json endpoints, enter these url on a browser: (Be sure to substitute a real category id in the place of: <int:category_id>)

http://localhost:5000/category/JSON http://localhost:5000/category/<int:category_id>/items/JSON http://localhost:5000/category/<int:category_id>/item/<int:item_id>/JSON