Working with Iframes

lets just say, you probably don't need to refrence this for anything that you SHOULD be doing

This is designed to work with javascript interacting between frames and is designed to demonstrate what can and cannot be communicated via JavaScript beween frames.

The setup


why work harder than you have to, I included jQuery so that I could poke around in the DOM without working too hard. It's also a prereq for bootstrap...


So, I just wanted this to look good; what better way

putting it together

put the script includes at the bottom for sanity, reliable load

Cool Paradigm

Bootstrap stuff

I used the alert and button-group stuff to huge effect, I love those features

jQuery stuff

$.each learn it, love it the strategy was, iterate over an object, add a button for each memeber, and bind its click memeber to the button; after that, find out if the event-handler returns true, and post and alert with a predefined message.


Can I add buttons and other elements to the form in the iframe?

YES, yes I can

Can I remove the ones I added?

As long as I add them

Can I add events to existing elements?


Can I put my handlers ahead of the built-in ones?

.. That's a no: The problem: to do this, we need to copy a string from the onclick event, turn it into a function and execute it in the correct scope: e.g. the iframe. We can't, basically. Technically, we can use 'with' and 'eval'. If you don't understand the problem, look up the rationale for deprecating them. You read that right.

Can I clobber the existing ones?

Easy as pie

Can I remove my handlers?


More tests?

Probably.. Don't try this at home. It turns out this is a proof of concept for a project that's a non-starter. Same domain-policy applies.

There are ways to get around same-domain issues:

  • Disable security: Stack Overflow: Disable Same Origin Policy in Chrome
  • Custom-Build Chromium/Chrome/Firefox to not make this check under certain cricumstances
  • Implement this in an extension (which means that your code runs in the framed document and i-frames aren't required at all, again, making this repo a non-starter)