Telegram Bot APi in Python simple :)
Example usage
# Here, insert the token Bot Father gave you for your bot.
token_api = 'your token here'
# Example ->
token_api = '113727310:AAFoSJ6TUa0IlvCs2-4y_wB4EYnWYKttqik'
# You may amendment to the comments
def commands(Text):
if '/start' in Text or '/help' in Text:
message = 'Welcome My Bot \n Click here test - /test \n list bot - /list'
return message
if '/test' in Text:
message = 'Yes, it is working properly \n goodbye :)'
return message
if '/list' in Text:
message = '/start - start \n /help - help \n /test - test \n-'
return message
Function List
- getUpdates(offset, limit, timeout)
- SendMessage(chat_id, text, disable_web, reply_t, reply_markup)
- commands(Text)
- run() #never ending loop