Multi purpose telegram bot written in MoonScript/lua and licenced under the GNU General Public License.
Table of Contents
You should have lua,luarocks,redis-server,moonscript,lua-socket,lua-sec,oauth,redis-lua,lua-cjson and ansicolors installed
You can install them by:
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install lua5.1 luarocks lua-socket lua-sec redis-server ; sudo luarocks install moonscript ; sudo luarocks install oauth ; sudo luarocks install redis-lua ; sudo luarocks install lua-cjson ; sudo luarocks install ansicolors
Clone the bot
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/Imandaneshi/jack-telegram-bot.git
cd jack-telegram-bot
Set telegram_api_key in config.moon file to the token you received from the Botfather.
telegram_api_key: ""--Your telegram bot api key
Run it!
sh run.sh
If you get this error from moonscript
/usr/bin/lua: /usr/share/lua/5.1//luarocks/loader.lua:113: error loading module 'lfs' from file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/lfs.so':
/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/lfs.so: undefined symbol: luaL_register
Make sure you are using the lua5.1 package instead of the lua5.2 package. Try:
sudo apt-get install lua5.1
sudo apt-get remove lua5.2
Jack is using redis as database
We use perfix/folder bot
Here are the datas
> List of all chats(groups,supergroups,privates)
> List of all private chats
> List of all groups
> List of all supergroups
> List of all inline users
chat_id info
- title
- type
user_id info
- first_name
- last_name
- username
These info will be updated on each msg
bot statistics
> Number of total msgs bot received
> Number of total inline requests
chat_id msg statistics
> Number of total msgs bot received in chat_id
> Number of total msgs bot received in chat_id from user_id
chat_id members
> list of chat_id members
How to backup,restore,secure,stablize redis DB
Plugins list
- Admin
- Calculato
- Cat
- Chatter
- Dogify
- Echo
- Giphy
- Github
- Help
- Imdb
- Ipinfo
- Linkshortener
- Location
- Remind
- Spotify
- Stats
- Talk
- Time
- Urbandictionary
- Webshot
- Who
- Wikipedia
1 - Admin
Plugin for admins
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
N | N | Y | N |
Returns Bot status
/admin reload
Reloads bot
/plugins <Plugin_name> <chat_id> <true|false>
True will disable plugin
on chat<chat_id>
/blacklist <user_id>
This command will blacklist <user_id>
Can also be used by reply
/bc <chat_id> <text>
this command will send
Markdown is enabled
use @channel_username for sending msgs to channels
/broadcast <msg>
This command will send msg to all chats
2 - Calculator
Returns solutions to math expressions
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
/calc <expression>
3 - Cat
Returns a cat
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | O | Y | N |
4 - Chatter
Talk to bot in English !
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
bot_first_name, <text>
bot_username, <text>
jack, How are you ? @imandabot, How are you ?
you can also trigger chatter plugin by talking to bot in private or replying on of its messages in groups
5 - Dogify
Create a doge image with you words
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
``/dogify <your/words/with/slashes>`
6 - Echo
Returns text
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | Y |
/echo <text>
Markdown is enabled
@bot_username /echo <text>
7 - Giphy
Returns a GIF from giphy.com!
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | Y | Y | N |
Returns a random GIF
/giphy [query]
Returns a GIF about [query]
8 - Github
Returns info about GitHub repo
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
/github <repo>
/gitrepo SEEDTEAM/TeleSeed
9 - Google search
Google search
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
/google <terms>
/g <terms>
10 - Help
Returns info about other plugins
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
N | N | Y | N |
Will return a short list of plugins
/help all
Will return full list of plugins with their commands
/help [plugin_name]
Will return info about that plugin
11 - IMDB
Returns Info about movie from IMDB and its poster
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
12 - IP info
Returns Given IP or domain info
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | Y | Y | N |
/ip <IP|domain>
13 - Link shortener
Returns Shorten link
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | Y | Y | N |
/shorten <url>
/shorten https://github.com/SEEDTEAM
14 - Location
Sends location data
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
/loc <query>
/location <query>
15 - Remind
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
/remind <delay (value|mh)> <text>
/remind 1h test
/remind 1m test
/remind 1h30m test
This plugin will save data in Redis(database) So It even works after Bot crashed or anything happen
16 - Spotify
Spotify plugin
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | O | Y | N |
/spotify get [track name(for search)]
Returns preview of that song (only 30 sec)
/spotify track [track name(for search)]
Returns track info and picture
/spotify album [album name(for search)]
Returns lbum info and picture
/spotify artist [artist name(for search)]
Returns artist info and picture
/spotify playlist [playlist name(for search)]
Returns playlist info and picture
17 - Stats
Chat msg statistics
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
18 - Talk
Returns voice
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
/tts <text>
19 - Time
Returns the time, date, and timezone for the given location
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
/time <location>
20 - Urban dictionary
Returns the top definition from Urban Dictionary.
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
/ud <query>
21 - Webshot
Returns screen shot from given website
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
/webshot <url>
22 - Who
Returns info about user and chat
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
23 - Wikipedia
Returns results from wikipedia.com
Listed | Requires API KEY | Enabled by default | inline |
Y | N | Y | N |
/wiki <query>
/wikipedia <query>
#Support and development
Join our bot development group by sending /join 1047524697 to @TeleSeed or just search username @seed_dev and join
Special thanks to
Other projects
An advance Administration bot
Connects 2 groups or can be used to create a logging group
A Linux file manager telegram bot