Bot commands =>
/setdn <done msg>
will set auto response message
will set realm id
block user by reply
unblock user by reply
will send blocked users list
get realm id (for test)
list users count
/setst <start msg>
set start text you can use {USERNAME} and {FIRSTNAME} for info of user started bot
send group id
reload bot!
# Download and install LuaSocket, LuaSec, Redis-Lua, ansicolors and serpent
tar zxpf luarocks-2.2.2.tar.gz
cd luarocks-2.2.2
./configure; sudo make bootstrap
sudo luarocks install luasocket
sudo luarocks install luasec
sudo luarocks install redis-lua
sudo luarocks install lua-term
sudo luarocks install serpent
cd ..
#Launch BOT!
git clone
cd lua-pmrsn
chmod +x ./
then add bot to your realm and send
and set your start text and done text by
/setdn <msg>
/sets <your text> you can use {USERNAME} and {FIRSTNAME}
#Credits Created by ❤️ in iran
by =>
Powered By ROYALTEAM {Special Tnx To AmirSbss For Block List}