A simple neovim plugin to run bazel test and bazel build
Use the following snippet but update the version to the latest release.
version = "v0.2"
Similar to above; use this snippet and update the tag to the latest release.
use {
tag = 'v0.2',
This is a very simple plugin for those who develop with bazel. The plugin allows you to run tests and build for the dependencies of the file you are editing.
At the moment it beats having to go from neovim to a seperate terminal to run bazel but there is room for improvement.
Using :BazelTest
you can run "bazel test" against all test dependencies of the
current file you are editing. If you want to check what these targets are then
first run :BazelShowTestTargets
Using :BazelBuild
you can run "bazel build" against all dependencies of the
current file. To inspect what the targets are you can use :BazelShowBuildTargets
Using :BazelGazelle
you can run "bazel run //:gazelle" to update your BUILD
files. Additionally you can use :BazelGazelleUpdate
to update your