
Repository for my data visualization project with NEON.

Primary LanguageR


This repository was used during my internship at NEON during the summer of 2019. Within this repo are all of the R files I used to practice working with NEON data, the shiny apps that I practiced with, and my final products: pheno-and-agdd and NEONDataStory_PhenologyAGDD_final.docx, both within the final-products directory.


This shiny app can be accessed using the following link: pheno-and-agdd. This app allows a user to choose one of ten NEON sites to observe plant phenology data, AGDDs, or plant phenology data with AGDDs overlayed for a selected number of years. The user can also view the application info, which contains definitions, calculation information, and a field site map. Data for this project was accessed from the NEON Data Portal.

Comments or suggestions on the app?

Leave an issue or email karleerbradley@gmail.com

Credits & Acknowledgements

This project was created by Karlee Bradley with the help of Megan Jones, Natalie Robinson, Leslie Goldman, and Katie Jones at NEON. This internship was made possible by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Science at St. Edward's University. https://www.neonscience.org/observatory/observatory-blog/how-trees-life-can-change-ecosystem-plant-phenology-gypsy-moths-heat