
Support for coffeescript ?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I plan to add coffeescript support for the generator, at least for the webapp part? Anybody is working on this?

For the express part I can do it but it is not on my top priority list.


I think this would be a great addition. I am currently using this generator and then running js2coffee for each of the generated .js files, which is painful. Coffeescript support is definitely on my wishlist.

ok I will send a PR for coffeescript support then

Stéphane Bachelier,
Tél. 06 42 24 48 09
B8A5 2007 0004 CDE4 5210 2317 B58A 335B B5A4 BFC2

2013/11/19 sometxdude

I think this would be a great addition. I am currently using this
generator and then running js2coffee for each of the generated .js files,
which is painful. Coffeescript support is definitely on my wishlist.

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great! thanks!

this would be great!

Hi, did you make any progress? I'm going to try to add coffeescript option to generator. In it takes an option parameter like
yo generator-angular-fullstack --option coffee and coffee files then. I think prompting is a better way. Any ideas?