
Script that converts file tree into flat folder. File names in flat folder reflect their place in file tree. For example dir1/dir2/file will be renamed to dir1__dir2__file

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Bash Flatten Folder script

Script that converts file tree into flat folder. File names in flat folder reflect their place in file tree. For example dir1/dir2/file will be renamed to dir1__dir2__file

It is useful for example for android developers. Android SDK doesn't support inner folders in drawable-Xdpi. But quite serious design includes lots of sliced images, that is usually grouped into folders. So here are two advantages of such a script: you shouldn't copy all files to the root directory manually and it saves the structure of files


  • -s DIR, --src DIR Specify the source directory. By default it is set to ./
  • -d DIR, --dst DIR Specify the destination directory. By default it is set to OUTPUT
  • -D DELIMITER Specify the delimiter that is used to replace / when converting file names. By default it is set to __


For example we have a design folder with the following structure:

$ tree ./design
├── hdpi
│   ├── contacts
│   │   ├── ic_add_contact.png
│   │   └── ic_edit_contact.png
│   ├── home
│   │   ├── ic_logout.png
│   │   └── ic_menu_main.png
│   ├── logo.png
│   ├── settings
│   │   ├── ic_department.png
│   │   └── img_profile_photo.png
│   └── tutorial.png
└── mdpi
    ├── contacts
    │   ├── ic_add_contact.png
    │   └── ic_edit_contact.png
    ├── home
    │   ├── ic_logout.png
    │   └── ic_menu_main.png
    ├── logo.png
    ├── settings
    │   ├── ic_department.png
    │   └── img_profile_photo.png
    └── tutorial.png

There is a simple and easy-to-customize flatten_drawables.sh sample script:




for dpi in hdpi mdpi;
  ./flatten_folder.sh --src $DESIGN_FOLDER/$dpi  --dst $OUTPUT_FOLDER/$dpi

This script converts the previous structure to

$ tree OUTPUT/
├── hdpi
│   ├── contacts__ic_add_contact.png
│   ├── contacts__ic_edit_contact.png
│   ├── home__ic_logout.png
│   ├── home__ic_menu_main.png
│   ├── logo.png
│   ├── settings__ic_department.png
│   ├── settings__img_profile_photo.png
│   └── tutorial.png
└── mdpi
    ├── contacts__ic_add_contact.png
    ├── contacts__ic_edit_contact.png
    ├── home__ic_logout.png
    ├── home__ic_menu_main.png
    ├── logo.png
    ├── settings__ic_department.png
    ├── settings__img_profile_photo.png
    └── tutorial.png