A library of commonly used express.js functions as created and used by the MRI Dev Team
The routeLoader provides a directory based approach to registering API endpoints in an express application. To add additional endpoints simply add a new router file to your defined "routes" directory. Then the routeLoader will dynamically register all route files on application startup.
const routeLoader = require('express_utils').routeLoader
, ROUTEPREFIX = '/' //this could be any url root you want your application's routes to be pathed behind
let app = express();
routeLoader.load(app, path.join(__dirname, 'app/routes'), ROUTEPREFIX);
the Routeloader will register all files in the supplied directory to a endpoint based on the name of the file itself. Take the following example:
// app/routes/test.js
'use strict';
let testRouter = require('express').Router()
module.exports = testRouter;
// /test route
testRouter.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
// /test/error route
testRouter.get('/error', function(req, res, next) {
With this example, uses the routeloader two endpoints would be created for the application:
/test /test/error
Remember the RouteLoader uses the Name of the file to create pathing. For a working example take a look at the unit test for the routeloader in this project.
The bootExpressServer provides a standard way to start express.js applications. It handles process termination events (SIGTERM/SIGINT) as well as normalizing of the provided port
const bootExpressServer = require('express_utils).bootExpressServer'
, PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000
, TIMEOUT = 100000
var app = express();
// ... setup express app
bootExpressServer(app, PORT, TIMEOUT);
Allow CORs middleware
var app = express=();
, cors = require('express_utils').middleware.allowCrossOrigin
Uniform method for ending responses
var app = express()
, endResponse = require('express_utils').middleware.endResponse
// ... setup express app, register routes, etc..
// anything that has fallen through here and has an error object passed to express "next()" function
Sets the contentType header to 'application/json'
var app = express=();
, json = require('express_utils').middleware.setJsonContentType
Adds supplied object keys and values to req.app.locals for use throughout the app. This is useful for setting things like the application title or other globally defined variables. req.app.locals[key] = value will be set for each key supplied in the object.
var app = express=();
, setSiteVariables = require('express_utils').middleware.setSiteVariables
, siteVariables: {
title: 'My App',
description: 'application description'
// now req.app.locals.title && req.app.locals.description have been set and could be access in a jade view for example
express_utils provides so generic error handling middleware functions to be re-used in most express.js applications.
Send 404 status for API calls
var app = express()
, errorware = require('express_utils').middleware.error
// ... setup express app, register routes, etc..
// anything that has fallen through here is a 404
app.all('*', errorware[404]);
Render a 404 view for HTML calls
var app = express()
, errorware = require('express_utils').middleware.error
// ... setup express app, register routes, etc..
// anything that has fallen through here is a 404
app.all('*', errorware['404Client']('my404ViewName');
404Client calls "res.render()"
Send 500 status for API calls
var app = express()
, errorware = require('express_utils').middleware.error
// ... setup express app, register routes, etc..
// anything that has fallen through here and has an error object passed to express "next()" function
app.all('*', errorware[500]);
Render a 500 view for HTML calls
var app = express()
, errorware = require('express_utils').middleware.error
// ... setup express app, register routes, etc..
// anything that has fallen through here is a 404
app.all('*', errorware['404Client']('my404ViewName');
Errorware to send the error message back
var app = express()
, errorware = require('express_utils').middleware.error
// ... setup express app, register routes, etc..
// anything that has fallen through here and has an error object passed to express "next()" function
app.all('*', errorware[sendResponseWithErrorMessage]);
Errorware to set the res.status to the error code or default to 500
var app = express()
, errorware = require('express_utils').middleware.error
// ... setup express app, register routes, etc..
// anything that has fallen through here and has an error object passed to express "next()" function
app.all('*', errorware[setStatusCode]);