HDFS to Netezza loader - provides an mechanism to export files from HDFS into csv format datasets that can be loaded into netezza using nzload.

The EventLoader requires an implementation of the DataTransformation interface. DataTransformationBase provides some basic transformations that you can build on.

Test: TestEventLoader - uses a file to generate a stream that will be converted to a csv format.
eg: EventLoader program parameters :
-s $actionCore -i $actionCorePort  -e $eventType -p $PATH_TO_THE_EVENT_IN_HDFS -d $GOODWILL_REGISTRAR -o $OUTPUT_FILE
VM parameters - -Ddefault=com.ning.metrics.event.loader.DataTransformationEvents -DFrontDoorVisit=com.ning.metrics.event.loader.DataTransformationFrontDoorVisit

 -s action.xno.ningops.net -e FrontDoorVisit -i 8080 -d goodwill.ningops.com -p /events/ning/FrontDoorVisit/2011/09/10/00
License (see LICENSE-2.0.txt file for full license)

Copyright 2011 Ning