To install Git test content from master

go to > download  git and install it

Git configuration globally

git config --global "your name"
git config --global "" 

Git initialization

git init demo  : to initialize empty git repo locally inside demo folder
ls -al to list all file and folder inside repo

Git Local state

Three local state of git in local
1: Working Directory : it contains all files and folder of application
2: Staging Area : this is state where files are moved from working directory
3: Repository(.git folder) : It holds all commited data
4: Remote : This remote state itself contain above three state

To Push code from working dir to staging area

git add test.txt : this will push test.txt to staging state

To Add file to Repository state from staging

 git commit -m 'adding new test1.txt'   : this will push file from staging to repository state

Repository And Git folder

The actual git repo exists inside .git directory
 cd .git/  : To change directory to .git. this is special directory maintained by git internally.
 ls -al  : to display all list inside .git folder
 rm -rf .git : To remove git directory. after this .git will be removed
 git init . : To add .git folder again to maintain versioning. this will complete new.
 git add . : to add all file to git working area 

To check log like how much commit we have added

git log : it will list all commit that is part of this repository
git show (commit id)39da54c0029b4a8f98686e2c33326cc89e33d39a   : to show all details of commit

Now to commit modified file in single command without adding we use -am (add message)

git commit -am "added some new command" : this will add and commit also

To back out changes (the changes need to be removed after adding to stage)

git reset HEAD   : This will remove file from stage area to working
git checkout --   : thihs will remove all changes and put file in last working state

To check config detail

git config --global --list   : it will show user details

To Add Rename or DELETE file after commiting locally

git mv example.txt demo.txt  : it will rename example.txt to  demo.txt in repository locally. this is staged changes
to commit it agin we use commit a=commang git commit -m 'renaming file'

git rm demo.txt  : to delete file , this will stage change. to complete change we need to commit
git commit -m 'deleting file'

touch newfile.txt : add new file

Excluding unwanted files and folder from git repo

1: create .gitignore file  : touch .gitignore
2: write command per line to exclude
ex : *.log to exclude all file with log

Types of Merge

Fast-Forward : this is simple merging when there is no changes detected in master branch. It will simply apply all 
commit to master branch. we can disable this option if undesirble result expected.

Automatic Merge: 

Manual merge : This has to be done when git unable to do automatic merge. All conflict must be resolved 
before merging.

Markers (Pointer) :

HEAD is most used pointer which point to last commit of current branch.


Branches allow us to work on different version of same files in parellel. one branch can be independent from
other branches. we can later decide to merge changes to two branches. branches resolves seperation of version of 
same files. Head is pointer which point to branch latest branch.
ex we can have production branch, development branch, a branch to work on bug fixes.

git checkout -b updates  : It will create new branch and switch to updates branch.

To merge update branch to master first we need to switch to master branch then use command from master branch

git merge updates  : to merge updates branch changes to master

git branch -d updates  : to delete updates branch.

// delete branch locally
git branch -d localBranchName

// delete branch remotely // master changes
git push origin --delete remoteBranchName

Conflict resolution

it happens when many people work on same file and change on same line. 

To list all branch

git branch

To Create branch

git branch develop

or to create feature branch : it will take ref of develop branch and create feature branch
git checkout -b feature/new-feature-branch

To checkout develop branch : now master will be Switched to branch 'develop'

git checkout develop

To switch branch

git checkout master : to get into master
git checkout develop : to get into develop

To mearge feature branch to develop

git merge feature/new-feature-branch

To populate commit detail

git show bb35602a5f12da7027d55bd1a1e1859de79b97f6

To push develop branch to server

git push --set-upstream origin develop

delete branch locally

git branch -d localBranchName

delete branch remotely

git push origin --delete remoteBranchName

To clone remote git repository to local

git clone FolderNameToClone

To check repository of git

git remote -v

To Push changes to github

git push origin master

Difference between FETCH AND PULL

Doing fetch and pull before any push is good practice. 
git pull does a git fetch followed by a git merge. A git pull is what you would do to bring a local branch up-to-date with its 		remote version, while also updating your other remote-tracking branches.

When you use pull, Git tries to automatically do your work for you. It is context sensitive, so Git will merge any pulled 		commits into the branch you are currently working in. pull automatically merges the commits without letting you review them 		first. If you don’t closely manage your branches, you may run into frequent conflicts.

When you fetch, Git gathers any commits from the target branch that do not exist in your current branch and stores them in your 	local repository. However, it does not merge them with your current branch. This is particularly useful if you need to keep your 	repository up to date, but are working on something that might break if you update your files. To integrate the commits into your 	 master branch, you use merge.

To show remote detail

git remote show origin