
Unity Prototypes for Create with code live course

Primary LanguageC#


Prototypes Created with Unity During the Create with code Live event. Using Unity 2018.4.19f1.

Prototype 1 : Player Control

Created a prototype with included assets from the course. Getting Familiar with unity and coding in C#.
Learned about Rigid Bodies, Colliders, Unity's Physics engine, duplicating objects in hierarchy.
Understanding Camera movement and making camera move with the car.
Implementing Input scheme to get an input from user to move a car forward, back, left and right.

Prototype 2 : Basic Gameplay

Create a new scene and Prototype with included assets from the course.
Creating scene with bounds and making player respect those bounds to move it within those boundaries.
Creating prefabs and understanding working of prefabs and launching a projectile prefab.
Creating more objects on screen (Animals) and spawning them randomly.
Improving the spawning and spawning them at intervals.
Using input controls to move player and throw projectiles toward animals, removing them as the eat the projectile, 
removing them if they coss the screen for memory management.

Prototype 3: Sounds & Effects

Creating a simple endless running game, using assets provided.
Controlling the background for endless scrolling, implement player controls for jumping and physics.
Animate the character with animation templates provided in the project, using the animator to create workflows. 
Added death animation, jump animation, running animation.
Added particles and sound effects on the scene like background music, jump music, death particle effect.

Protoype 4: Gameplay Mechanics

Using the assets, Created a ball game to move around an axis. Learned about local and global co-ordinate system. 
Moving the player around in the orbit.
Implemented a basic AI system where the enemy objects ran towards the player to throw it out of the platform.
Created power-ups for player and change AI behavior to run away from player when it is active.
Used loops to create wave of enemies.

Prototype 5: User Interface

Created a game called FGood ninja, where food objects jumps up along with skulls. This was a click based game 
with a entry screen and restart screen, along with score and difficulty settings. 
You get + points for food and - points for  skull. You have to click objects to earn points and avoid, skulls, 
game is over if you miss the food.