
A platform to share your own quotes and thoughts with the public out there !

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BrainWeave 🧠

A platform where you can share your quotes and thoughts via decentralised smart contract

Learning from this Project :

  • How to Deploy smart contracts on testnet Ans : I learnt the deploying of the smart contract on goerli testnet with the API keys of Alchemy .
  • How to precisely use the functions of the smart contracts

Ans : Decontructing contract instances and through this I used the precise function where it was needed and completed the transaction process .

  • How to deploy a full stack web3 app

Ans : The client is built and deployed on Netlify and the smart contract is built using hardhat and ether and is deployed on Alchemy .. Hence the platform is easily available to all and easy to use

How to Use

  • Click on the Let's Go Button to Go to the main project

  • Connect Your Wallet with MetMask

  • Enter your name and quote you want to send publicly

  • Enter the Pay button to continue the transaction.

  • After the successful transaction . Your new quote will get updated publically in the table below

Tech Stack

Client: Vite + React

Network: Goerli Testnet

Environment: Hardhat and Ether.js

Future Updates

  • Flexible smart contract so that anyone can send thoughts to another user privately .

  • Add their own avatars and PFP

  • More on integrations



MIT License