
Salesforce APEX Email Reports as CSV

Primary LanguageApex

Simple Salesforce Utility to email CSV Reports

APEX class and Job used in conjuction with the APEX Scheduler to Email Reports as CSV

Go to Developer Cponsole, get a list of reports from a SOQL (Saleforce Object Query Language)

'SELECT Id, DeveloperName FROM Report'

This will give you a list of reports that are in production. There are many, so I wrote this utility to be general. You can email any report in CSV and have it sent to anyone, anytime, you can disable it in the APEX Scheduled jobs I scripted this, to use Salesforce CRON's format, which is slightly differnt than standard UNIX CRON, I have attached an image to show how to use the differnt Salesforce CRON expressions.


For example, suppose I want to send a CSV report of all Users M-F at 11:20 in the morning to myself. Here is how I would do it (paste the following into Developer Console - all properties are mandatory) in the "Debug">"Open Execute Annoymous Window" or CTRL+E

// Fires Mon-Friday at 11:20 in the morning
string cronString = '0 20 11 ? * MON-FRI';
EmailCSVReportJob emailReportJob = new EmailCSVReportJob();
emailReportJob.emailToAddress = 'xxx@xxxxx.com';
emailReportJob.emailFromAdress = 'xxx@xxxx.com';
emailReportJob.subject = 'test automated user report';
emailReportJob.name = 'InAuth_Users';

system.schedule('Email InauthUser Report Job', cronString, emailReportJob);`


To disable the job, goto setup, look for All scheduled jobs, there should be an entry that was entered by you, the adminsitrator, or developr, you can modify or delete it.


Delete or modiy the frequency of the scheduled job.
