
Will do automatic search on youtube and play that song for you

!play {song-name} (alias - !p {song-name})- to join the channel you are in and play your given song

!pause - to pause the current song

!resume / !res - to resume the song

!skip - to skip the current song

!skipall - to remove all songs from the queue

!recommend / !r n{no of songs to recommend} - to recommend next n songs based on current song

!loop - put loop on the current song

!unloop - to unloop the current song

!leave / !lv - to leave the channel and remove all songs from the queue

For running 24/7 , Make a account on azure or your preferred choice and make a virtual machine and do the following steps on the vm (virtual machine).


Run - pip3 install -m requirements.txt

sudo apt install ffmpeg (necessary as discord client supports that only)

put your discord token in final3.py and now your bot is ready to play the songs for you

Now run , python3 final3.py to run the discord music bot.

Now sit back and enjoy the music ...