
Bash script for managing Truenas SCALE applications, automatically update applications, backup applications datasets, open a shell for containers.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



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HeavySetup - Further Explanation

Table of contents:

Click to expand

The Menu


Access this with heavyscript



heavyscript app [Flag]

Flag Example Parameter Description
[Optional: app name] Start an application.
[Optional: app name] Stop an application.
[Optional: app name] Restart an application.
[Optional: app name] Delete an application.


heavyscript backup [Flag]

Flag Example Parameter Description
-c [number]
--create [number]
-c 15
--create 15
Integer Create a backup with the specified retention number.
Restore a backup.
Delete a backup.


heavyscript dns [Optional Flag]

Flag Example Description
Display all DNS information.


heavyscript enable [Flag]

Flag Example Description
--api --api Enables external access to the Kubernetes API server.
--apt --apt Enable apt, apt-get, and apt-key.
--helm --helm Enable helm commands.


heavyscript git [Flag]

Flag Example Description
Choose a branch or tag for HeavyScript to use
Add the script to the global path.


heavyscript pod [Flag]

Flag Example Description
Display container logs.
Open a shell for the container.


heavyscript pvc [Optional Flag]

Flag Example Description
Open a menu to mount PVCs.
Unmount all mounted PVCs.


heavyscript self-update

Flag Example Description
--major --major Includes major updates when self-updating


heavyscript update [Flags]

Flag Example Parameter Description
Update the application even if it is a major version update
-b 14
--backup 14
Integer Take a backup, and set the number of backups to keep
-c 5
--concurrent 5
Integer How many applications to concurrently update (default: 1)
-i nextcloud -i sonarr
--ignore nextcloud --ignore sonarr
String Ignore updating the specified application
Ignore container image updates
Prune unused images after the update
Roll back to the previous version if update failure
Sync the catalog prior to updating applications
Stop the application prior to updating
-t 500
--timeout 500
Integer Set the timeout for the update process in seconds (default: 500)
Update HeavyScript itself prior to updating
Display verbose output

How to Install

One Line Install

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Heavybullets8/heavy_script/main/functions/deploy.sh | bash && source "$HOME/.bashrc" 2>/dev/null && source "$HOME/.zshrc" 2>/dev/null

This will:

  • Download HeavyScript, then place you on the latest release
  • Place HeavyScript in /root
  • Make HeavyScript executable
  • Allow you to run HeavyScript from any directory with heavyscript

This does not include Cron Jobs, see the Cron section for more information.

From here, you can just run HeavyScript with heavyscript -ARGUMENTS

How to Update

While Updating

heavyscript update --self-update [OPTIONS]


heavyscript self-update

self-update will update HeavyScript to the latest release, regardless of the branch or tag you're on, and allows you to use any other arguments.

Configuration File


The configuration file is generated the first time the script is run. You can edit it using nano:

nano ~/heavy_script/config.ini

Modifications in the config file will become the script's defaults.

For example, if you set sync to true under the [UPDATE] section, running heavyscript update will sync the catalog without specifying --sync or -s in the CLI.

Disabling the Configuration

To disable the configuration for a specific run of the script, use:

heavyscript --no-config

This will ignore the configuration file for that run.

Cron Jobs

How to Create a Cron Job

  2. System Settings
  3. Advanced
  4. Cron Jobs
    1. Click Add


  • Command: bash /root/heavy_script/heavy_script.sh update

    The bash, as well as the full path to the script is required for cron jobs to work properly.

  • Run as: root

    Running as root is required for the script to work properly.

  • Schedule: I run mine daily at 4:00 AM
  • Hide Standard Output: Unchecked
  • Hide Standard Error: Unchecked

    Keep these both unchecked so you can recive an email.

My Personal Cron Job

bash /root/heavy_script/heavy_script.sh update --backup 14 --concurrent 10 --prune --rollback --sync --self-update