Built at the PennApps Spring 2013 hackathon, Social Sign is a friendly tool for learning sign language! By using the Leap Motion, the BadApples team implemented a rudimentary machine learning algorithm to track and identify American Sign Language from a user's hand gestures. Social Sign visualizes these hand gestures and broadcasts them in a textual and visual representation to other signers in the signing room.
In a standard chat room fashion, the interface permits written communication but with the benefit of enhanced learning in mind. It's all about learning a new way to communicate. SocialSign- handing communication to you.
Built using Node, MongoDB, Socket.io, Three.js, WebGL.
- Michael Rivera - http://www.mikeriv.com
- Nicholas McGill - http://www.nmcgill.com
- Natalie Gravier - http://www.nataliegravier.com