

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



$ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-python-tabulate mingw-w64-x86_64-python-pygithub mingw-w64-x86_64-python-requests
# or
$ poetry install
# or
$ python -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
$ ./autobuild.py --help
usage: autobuild.py [-h]

Build packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    build               Build all packages
    show                Show all packages to be built
    update-status       Update the status file
    fetch-assets        Download all staging packages
    upload-assets       Upload packages
    clean-assets        Clean up GHA assets

Automated Build Process

The following graph shows what happens between a PKGBUILD getting changed in git and the built package being available in the pacman repo.

    participant GIT as MSYS2/MINGW-packages
    participant API as packages.msys2.org
    participant GHA as GitHub Actions
    participant DT as msys2-autobuild
    participant DEV as Developer
    participant REPO as Pacman Repo

    GIT->>GHA: GIT push trigger
    GHA->>GHA: parse PKGBUILDs
    GHA-->>GIT: upload parsed PKGBUILDs

loop Every 5 minutes
    API->>GIT: fetch parsed PKGBUILDs

loop Every 2 hours
    DT->>GHA: cron trigger
    GHA->>API: fetch TODO list
    GHA->>GIT: fetch PKGBUILDs
    GHA->>DT: fetch staging
    GHA->>GHA: build packages
    GHA-->>DT: upload packages

    DEV->>DT: fetch packages
    DEV->>DEV: sign packages
    DEV->>REPO: push to repo

Security Considerations

Assuming changes to PKGBUILDs are properly reviewed, the pacman signature checking works, the upstream source is OK and all MSYS2 organization members are trusted we need to consider a bad actor controlling some part of the building process between the PKGBUILD getting changed and the package ending up signed in the pacman repo.

A bad actor would need to get a package on the machine of the developer signing the package and adding it to the pacman repo. We take the following precautions:

  • We only build packages automatically with GitHub Actions without third party actions, excluding the official GitHub ones. We assume the GHA images and official actions are safe.
  • The download tool used by the person signing the package checks that the binaries where uploaded by a restricted set of GitHub users or GHA. We assume the bad actor doesn't have git push rights.
  • Packages too large for GHA get built/signed by MSYS2 developers on their machines. We assume the developer machines are safe.
  • We enforce 2FA for the MSYS2 organization to make account takeovers of existing MSYS2 developers harder.

Feedback and ideas on how to improve this welcome.