- antonistsi
- attie
- brencerddwrReno, NV, USA
- cjgriscomXact Metal
- dpavlin@ffzg
- dwaqPittsburgh, PA
- fsilerLaw Office of Franklin M. Siler, Toto Labs
- ikwicMoscow, Russia
- Iniesta8Munich
- ISchiavon
- jimbolimbo3ManyDesigns srl.
- JochiStRWTH Aachen University
- knoxcu
- KwabratseurJvtEnde
- monsieurmac
- mreed88New York
- mrjimenezCPTI/PUC-Rio
- mrmowgliOakland, CA
- muojp
- NDumaSpinning on Spheres - Centripetally lightened.
- ninoNinkovicM&E
- ProtoneerProtoneer
- qkevintoNurtureCloud
- restelli
- rohitk-singhThe University of Texas at Austin
- roman3017
- sabas1080@ElectronicCats
- spetersHamburg, Germany
- tkertesz
- unforgiven512Unforgiven Development
- unkierNowhere Land
- Vasile2kGigica Studios
- wondras
- xslimConsulting
- xymopenShanghai, China